
2006-11-04 6:59 pm

回答 (4)

2006-11-04 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
公共交通駕駛者應該完全禁煙,但私傢車嘅駕駛者不一定禁煙,因公共交通工具要顧及公眾安全,但私人車輛等同私人物業,政府推行公眾地方禁煙我贊成,如果政府立法全港市民因健康問題不准吸煙我亦贊成 (我是一個煙民),但政府要求我在駕駛私傢車時禁煙實不合情理,首先應盡快處理气車排放廢氣對空氣做成傷害先啦,有氣管敏感嘅人士都要出街.
2006-11-10 1:01 pm
公共交通工具既司機就梗係要禁煙啦, 要顧及乘客感受嘛, 整到部車臭崩崩, 坐都坐得唔舒服!! 而家大部份都係冷氣車, 空氣已經唔流通, 再食埋煙? 死得啦!!

想附帶問一句, 咁如果行車時同一隻手黎轉波呢?? 咁算唔算危險架駛...??
2006-11-04 7:40 pm
yes have to be 行駛中禁煙. so simple, the resaon to prohibit using any mobile while driving is they will use one hand to hold the mobile and distract driver's attention. dont tell me the driver can smoke without hands. and what happen if the butt drop in the car while driving, then lose control to create a deadly accident again??
參考: a smoke driver's opinion
2006-11-04 7:27 pm
參考: 個人意見

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