
2006-11-04 6:36 pm
海鮮濃湯 or c剎沙律
main course
羊架 or 燒雞 or 煎魚
Panna cotta or 芝士 or mango mille-feille

回答 (3)

2006-11-06 9:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

海鮮濃湯 or Cesar沙律
Pinor Noir (Napa or Oregon) or Burgandy (France),味道不太強(濃),有淡淡花香,小量spice,可試試是否適合你的口味。

主菜(main course)
羊架 - Cabernet Sauvignon,別無他選,tannin 愈高愈好。以中和羊的羯味和肥膩。如budget許可,一枝Bordeaux出品的3rd growth也不錯。
燒雞 - 是slow roasted?還是grilled?有沒有or用什麼醬汁?如pepper sauce 濃的話,Burgandy 也可以 (其實我試過最好還是Zinfandel or Temprinillo)
煎魚 - 最難是這個,點煎法?法國菜的煎魚一定不會白煎,多用thick sauce或用black pepper,如配白酒,酒味未免太輕而被調味香料蓋過。一枝不太陳年的Burgandy應該錯不到那裡。

Panna cotta or 芝士 or Mango mille-feille
你選的甜品偏向creamy,亦不太甜,若不喜歡鮮磨藍山黑咖啡或炭燒咖啡,可配有重果子味的Muscat,如Peach or Orange flavor (Serve Chilled),Muscat 的甜味應會和cheese十分調和。
2006-11-04 9:26 pm
紅酒配紅肉, 白酒配白肉 - It is a wrong concept.
紅酒配紅肉, 白酒配白肉 - It is say the favour of you main course is strong favour it is better to drink Red wine , if your main course was Light favour. It is perfect to drink White wine.
I refer to you Set meun - Except the Fish (It is better drink white wine) You better choosen a Red wine to serve with your food. And the dessert you can also order a cup of Expresso with a whisky.
2006-11-04 6:42 pm
紅酒配紅肉, 白酒配白肉。

如果你的main course 是羊架配紅酒, 燒雞 or 煎魚配白酒。

如果你在餐廳食, 你可以請教的waiter 介紹餐前酒或餐後酒。

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