There are a dog catch another dog. 錯在那裡?

2006-11-04 6:31 pm
There are a dog catch another dog. 錯在那裡?

回答 (5)

2006-11-04 6:54 pm
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There are a dog catch another dog.
第一個錯既地方就系 "are" 喇。應為 are 系用來形容複數既。 你應該用 is。第二﹐ 如果你用is / are 呢﹐ o甘你個動作應該有-ING尾。(例如﹕ is/ are playing, is/are watching, is/are catching)。
There is a dog catching another dog.
There is a dog chasing after another dog.
參考: myself
2006-11-04 10:40 pm
錯在 CHINGLISH。是由中文直譯,有隻狗捉另一隻狗,D GRAMMAR 完全無改,CATCH 是直譯捉。狗是不會捉狗,只會追的。

所以,不應用 There are。可改為:

A dog chased/was chasing after another dog.

"I'm glad I know how to climb a tree, 'cause if a dog chased after me I could climb up, and he couldn't get me. Dogs can't climb trees." "Cats can," said Sadie. "I saw our cat climb a tree once." "But cats don't chase after you," ... - 25k -

A dog was chasing after her and kept on barking while a child pointed at her and a woman was frightened with shock . It seemed that only a few people can see a transparent ghost walking the streets of Main . ... - 124k -

要用 PAST TENSE, 因從你給的句子應是講一件事,不是習慣。如習慣可用 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE。

A dog chases/is chasing after another dog.

When a dog is chasing after you, whistle for him. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson Today's begging is finished: at the crossroads I wander by the side of the Buddhist shrine Talking with some children. Last year a foolish monk. ... - 17k

If a dog chases after a cat, and a child also runs, the dog will not know which is which and that might cause a problem. “People think a dog can be taught to behave like humans, but it’s not so,” says Fonseka. “That’s an important thing ... - 29k -
2006-11-04 6:38 pm
There is a dog catching another dog.
參考: me
2006-11-04 6:34 pm
There is a dog catching another dog.
2006-11-04 6:33 pm
There is a dog catching another dog
參考: me

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