
2006-11-04 8:49 am
大家好! 請問我想讀purchasing and supply chain既課程, 你地覺得讀浸會既cert課程,還是讀hkam既dipolma好呀?我英文唔係咁好,但係公司又要我讀多d有關呢方面既課程,如果讀浸會cert之後先報到dipplma好似好耐咁,都係浸會個名好d,而且佢分13科,如果其中一科唔pass都係讀一科,但係hkma就要一次比成八千幾蚊先,好似又好唔值,請大家比d意見我丫!
另外,如果讀完呢個之後仲可以升讀d乜課程係關於purchasing架? 我見浸會讀完dipolma之後唔知讀咩"澳洲大學",都唔知有乜科程。

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實最緊要睇下自己最终是想攞邊一張的証書(CERT/D/High D/Degree),如果是想Degree的話就要睇下可唔可免一D科唔需要重讀或重考(如果有公開考試的証書是可以括免的).
如果是簡單D要張CERT 又想慢慢吸收,最好是IVE. 而浸會聽講就麻麻地,HKMA我都讀過,但是就好睇D阿SIR,唔係咁好.

2006-11-06 5:25 am
study in HKBU la

Programme Code 課程編號 : CP0056
(The course has been included in the list of
reimbursable courses for CEF purposes)



Study Path

Certificate in
Purchasing & Supply

Diploma in
Purchasing & Supply*

University of South Australia
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Applied Finance

* Please refer to section III. for Minimum Entry Requirements and section IV. for Academic Recognition and other further study opportunities.

III. Minimum Entry Requirements

The Certificate in Purchasing & Supply offered by the School of Continuing Education (SCE); OR
Form 6 completion plus 5 years of work experience; OR
Completion of Form 7; OR
Qualifications / experience deemed to be equivalent by the the SCE.
Applicants may be required to make up additional subjects depending on their prior learning.

IV. Academic Recognition

University of South Australia

Under normal circumstances, graduates of the Diploma in Purchasing & Supply are granted exemption equivalent to 8 subjects out of the 24 subjects leaving 16 subjects to be completed towards the Bachelor of Business (Administrative Management)/ (Human Resource Management)/ (Marketing) and Bachelor of Applied Finance from the University of South Australia, depending on how closely their prior learning matches with their intended studies. Please call 3411 2850 for further information.

University of Strathclyde

Graduates of Diploma in Purchasing & Supply are eligible to apply for admission to the Master of Science in Procurement Management of the University of Strathclyde, provided that they have the IPSHK full membership by completing the three post-diploma subjects, are aged 25 or above and possessed at least two years of relevant working experience.

The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (IPSHK)

Candidates who have successfully completed the Diploma will be eligible to study the last three subjects jointly offered by the School and IPSHK: Case Analysis, Research Study, Supplier Relationship Management. Successful completion of these will qualify the students academically for full Membership with the Institute. They will also be awarded an SCE-IPSHK Joint Programme Certificate. For details of IPSHK, please visit IPSHK website http://www.ipshk.org.

The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, UK

Holders of Diploma in Purchasing & Supply will be exempted from the Foundation Stage of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply.

V. Estimated Programme Fee

About HK$23,540 for the whole programme (to be paid on a subject-by-subject basis and subject to revision)

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