
2006-11-04 8:20 am
After the circus reached town we were just no good at all. We spent all our time down at the trains, watching them unload the animals, walking out Ventura Avenue with the wagons with lions and tigers in them and hanging around the grounds, trying to win the favour of the animalmen, the workers, the acrobats, and the clowns.


回答 (3)

2006-11-04 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
自從馬戲團到達小鎮後, 我們便無所事事。我們在火車站花了許多時間, 觀看他們卸下動物, 當他們離開Ventura 大道時, 老虎和獅子由無蓋貨車(馬車)運送,其他動物則被牽著在地上走, 並設法贏取動物管理員, 工人、雜技演員和小丑的喜愛。

希望幫到你! 其實翻譯要睇上文下理, 另如要學習, 一定要自己多看書及練習(唔好怕錯), 知識終身受用, 否則書到用時方恨少!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-04 10:22 am
馬戲團抵達市鎮後,我們不知如何是好。在火車那裡消磨時間,看動物卸下; 看困着獅子老虎的牛車在歷險大道駛過; 看動物拴在空地上,設法取悅一眾動物照料員、工人、雜技人和小丑。
2006-11-04 8:22 am
if u give people 10 pts, they will.
I suggest u give them 10 pts

it is too long

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