sure A

2006-11-04 7:33 am
有D 咩 會考參考書或者其他方法可以保證A到 phy chem bio~
家中已有恐龍書~ARISTO~QUICK DRILL~MC CHAN mc題目 及數本十年前參考書~
past paper 做剩近3年~
但家陣頂多 B頭A尾~ 一但會考當日發花顛就玩完~

回答 (2)

2006-11-05 9:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Phy Chem Bio 要講 understanding. 如果你唔明先至做好多past paper la.

If you understand the science, you will ace them without much practise. Don't stay up too late on the day of your exam. Practise when you have time and be sure to have a clear mind during your CE period.

There is no A guarantee. 去補習班就A倒 (which is impossible),會考便變得沒意義. I got A in all the 3 subjects but I did not even work on any past paper problems. If you understand and know how to apply it, you'll surely do fine.

Best of luck~
2006-11-04 9:45 am
Relax and practice more. Practice means perfect.
參考: my exp

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