請教tense grammar

2006-11-04 5:06 am
1) be used to
2) adverb
3) adjective
4) (has been個種tense, 唔記得左名)

總有reported sxxxx 即係she said / she asked if 個種.. 我想知如果佢講既tense轉返做she asked / she said 會點樣轉tense..

回答 (1)

2006-11-04 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) be used to = 習慣於 (唔同used to)
be used to係用於現在的習慣, present not past
eg. She is used to phone her boyfriend everyday.

你講ge第4種叫present perfect

eg1. Mandy said, "I am going to shopping on Sunday."
轉she said
Mandy said (可以加that) she is going to shopping on Sunday
基本上冇分別, 只係由我的現在進行式轉做她的現在進行式。

eg2. Sam siad, "Can I go to the party?"
轉he asked if
Sam asked if he can go to the party
同上, 基本上冇分別, 只係由 I 轉做he
注意: 如果個個人係緊問問題, 係一定係用he/she asked if

eg3. Jo said, "Is the seat mine?
轉she asked if
Jo asked if the seat is hers.

ps* " = speech的引號
參考: learn it from grammar school

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