VW Polo VS Toyota Echo

2006-11-04 2:47 am
I am considering buying my first car. Plan to buy a small second hand car.

In love with VW Polo actually, but it is more expensive and fuel consumption is great.

Echo is cheaper and fuel saving.

What is your comment?

回答 (5)

2006-11-04 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The difference of fuel consumption between Polo and Echo is not very big,
it depends on your driving habit.
Polo looks better than Echo( my own opinion).
Polo is safer than Echo.
Handling of Polo is better than Echo.
Engine of Echo is more reliable than Polo.
Echo costs less maintainence fee than Polo.
Echo is easier to sell than Polo when you want to change car.
2006-11-06 10:34 pm
As an EX-Echo driver and owner, i will suggest you to buy a Toyota Echo, 妳係新牌, 我唔會建議妳買一部所謂more powerful既車, 車都未揸得掂, 要咁powerful黎做乜?! (如果妳係車神我冇野好講...) 新牌買車, 少不免有刮花碰撞, 所以本人始終建議買二手車操下先。

至於安全問題, 我唔覺得Echo好似樓上果位仁兄講得咁差, let say以時速140km/h and hit something, 好多車都有機會令駕駛人粉身碎骨。我都親眼見過Echo同平治相撞, 但部平治被Echo撞到total lost, 咁係咪表示平治 (German car)汽車唔安全呢?

我明白, 自己揸緊果款車, 一定話果款最好 (唔係都唔會買啦, 係咪先?), 但有時睇野唔可以只係單方面。另外, 我明白Echo既power係唔多足夠 (that's why i've changed another more powerful car), 但係連路面經驗都冇, 操下車先啦, 到妳熟左基本野如路面情況、汽車操控、保養及少少機械常識等等, 到妳有經驗, 我話知妳換部法拉利黎揸。

不過新牌, 都要考慮到經濟原則, 1.6cc牌費比1.3cc貴, 油錢又貴, 問題係, 1600cc又係俾咁多, 2500cc又係俾咁多, 點解唔揀部「大力」d既車。另外, 如果我從「自己覺度」諗, 我都係覺得日本車好過德國車, 維修平, 車價又平, 但並非唔安全。

先指聲明, 我有話Polo唔好, 不過買一部車要考慮其他因素, 請三思而後行!

2006-11-06 14:35:43 補充:
對唔住, last一句應該係「我冇話Polo唔好」, 打錯字, 唔好誤會
2006-11-06 8:48 am
As a polo driver, i will suggest you to buy a polo playa, due to the car is better in engine, material, design, safety, space!
Echo is cheap, and fuel saving, but the power is less, space is little, features are cheap!Think about it, would you want a german car or a japanese car!
I drives a polo 1.6!

2006-11-06 00:51:56 補充:
As the above comment said, A polo got into an accident, but i want to say, you need to mention about how fast is he driving, if he is doing 140km'h and hit something, if you are in a Echo, your head is gone! I am so sure a VW polo is more safe than a Echo! As i learned the structure of two cars!

2006-11-08 14:47:24 補充:
I am totally agree what the comment said below, but i lives in foreign country, so may be the point of view is different, i drive my car everyday, and goes on highway as well, so i need a more powerful car, and if you are in an accident bigger car can certainly have more chance to be survive!

2006-11-08 14:49:13 補充:
And if you lives in HK, and you are new driver, echo, may be a better choice! Or try Yaris!
參考: And i m an automobile engineer
2006-11-05 6:58 pm
If you want to buy a small first hand car,I suggest you buy Toyota Yaris(but not Echo)
If you want to buy a small second hand car,then you shall buy Toyota Echo.Because Toyota car is much better than VW car.Yesterday,there was a car accident in Tsing Ma Bridge.The car was VW Polo!In this accident,the driver has got 重傷.The passenger are 受了傷,too.So,do you think VW Polo is a safety car?I think not.

2006-11-05 11:00:05 補充:
Toyota Echo is cheaper than VW Polo.規格表 車型:四門五座位房車引擎:直四 DOHC 16氣閥容積:1,298c.c.最大馬力:86ps/6,000rpm最大扭力:12.3kgm/4,200rpm傳動:五前速手動驅動:前置引擎、前輪驅動車身體積:3,750×1,695×1,520mm(長×闊×高)車重:1,030kg

2006-11-05 11:01:08 補充:
$124,875(手波)$129,870(自動波)包圍另加$7,560Toyota Echo

2006-11-06 11:49:23 補充:

2006-11-08 11:18:36 補充:
參考: me
2006-11-04 4:06 am
Polo is much better.

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