wedding vocabulary

2006-11-04 2:22 am
find the words below according teir meanings:

1. the tail part of the wedding gown ( 5 letters )
2. the Chinese Style dress often worn by the bride ( 9 letters )
3. a couple after getting married ( 9 letters )
4. formal wear worn by the groom ( 6 letters )

thank you for your help!!! XD

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the tail part of the wedding gown ( 5 letters )
Train - This is an extension to a wedding gown or other dress that trails along the floor behind the wearer.

2. the Chinese Style dress often worn by the bride ( 9 letters )

3. a couple after getting married ( 9 letters )
Newlyweds - A couple that is recently married

4. formal wear worn by the groom ( 6 letters )

Hope this helps!!
2006-11-04 2:29 am
1. Dress
2. Cheongsam
3. Honeymoon
4. Tuxedo

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