請問可以幫我翻譯為英文?? (10點,麻煩咁多位)

2006-11-04 12:16 am
但我發現cancellation report 內包含左non-establish report的東西,可以將他們分柝?

XXX report : 補留現有的location 名稱及增加一行location point code(隨e-mail會附上point code)

回答 (6)

2006-11-04 5:02 pm
I noticed that some items of the non-establish report are being included in the cancellation report. Could we keep them separate?

Moreover, I would like to include the following item in the content of certain reports:
XXXX report - Keep the name of the location and add a location point code. The location point code will be sent by an email.
2006-11-04 4:29 am
But I find that include the thing of left non-establish report in cancellation report, can divide them on the watchman's clapper? The content of other some report hopes to increase the thing with the following: XXX report : Mend and keep existing location name and increase by a line of location point code (will enclose point code with e-mail)
2006-11-04 2:11 am
Could the non-establish report be seperated from the cancellation report?

By the way, some reports should be added as follows:

XXX report: Keep the current location name and a row of location point code. (point code will be attached to the e-mail)
2006-11-04 12:26 am
I found some non-establish report items are showed in cancellation report, please separate them into two report.

I would like to add some items in the reports as follow:
XXX report: Keep the “location name”, but add “location point code” (point code are attached with this email)
參考: 以我了解的意思翻譯, 希望幫到你
2006-11-04 12:23 am
I notice that the cancellation report has included the items supposed to be in the non-establish report. Can you please separate them into two reports?

More, please amends the followings:
In the XXX report,
(i) Keeps the name of the location;
(ii) Adds a new line of location point code (the code was attached in the email).
2006-11-04 12:20 am
But I discovered in cancellation report contains left non-establish report the thing, may their minute 柝? Moreover certain report content below hoped may increase the thing: XXX report: Makes up keeps the existing location name and increases line of location point code (to meet enclosed point code along with e-mail)

That's all i can help la

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