
2006-11-04 12:09 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
做外幣定期, 其實就唔係會賺到錢, 只係相比下, 港元定期vs外幣定期, 外幣會高息d,
d錢如果淨係放係定期, 因為風險唔大, 所以回報就唔會高,
1. 港元兌換成外幣, 再由外幣兌成港元, 會有匯率差額, 決定邊種外幣時要考慮埋匯率是否最高, 會有下滑, 如果唔係第時換返做港紙的時候就會少左錢
2. 定期時間的長短亦會影響息口, 所以你決定做多少錢時, 就要決定埋做幾長時間, 如果你d錢唔等使, 係多餘錢, 做幾長都無所謂la
3. 你可以去唔同的銀行問下, 因為唔同的銀行首先有唔同的最少定期金額, 另外如果你的金額係大的話, 可以揮到高d的息口
如果唔想冒太大的風險就要堅持己見, 唔好聽銀行d customer service sell咁多野
參考: 個人經驗
2006-11-04 12:57 am
There are 2 ways you can make money from fixed deposit of foreign currency. Let use Australina dollar AUD as an example:

One is obviously you buy AUD at a lower price, say, 5.9700 against HKD, then afterwards, AUD value move up to say, 6.1200, then you make a profit HKD 0.15 for one AUD.

Second is interest gain, it is because AUD around 5% interest rate is higher than HKD around 3.25%, you yield extra 1.75% per AUD held.

I think minimum amount is HKD 50,000 to 100,000, depends on which bank you are depositing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:13:58
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