
2006-11-03 11:53 pm


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2006-11-04 8:38 am
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Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini by Sergei Rachmaninoff
18th variation Andante cantabile
The slow eighteenth variation is by far the most well-known, and it is often included on compilation CDs or records on its own, without the rest of the work.

Interestingly, this variation on first listening does not appear to contain the original theme. Rachmaninoff inverted the melody to obtain the theme for this variation.

This variation has been featured in several movies, including:

(1953) The Story of Three Loves
(1954) Rhapsody
(1980) Somewhere in Time
(1991) Dead Again
(1993) Groundhog Day
(1995) Sabrina
(1998) Ronin

Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (Russian: Рапсодия на тему Паганини, Rapsodiya na temu Paganini) is a piece of classical music for orchestra and solo piano by Sergei Rachmaninoff. According to the score, the work was written from July 3 to August 18, 1934. The piece is in the key of A minor and is Rachmaninoff&#39 ;s opus 43.

The piece is a set of 24 variations on the twenty-fourth and last of Niccolò Paganini's Caprices for solo violin. Several other sets of variations on this theme have been written, including pieces by Johannes Brahms, Franz Liszt, Witold Lutosławski, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Paganini himself.

Although Rachmaninoff&#39 ;s work is performed in one stretch with no breaks, it can be divided into three sections, corresponding to the three movements of a concerto: up to variation 11 corresponds to the first movement, variations 12 to 18 are the equivalent of a slow movement (with variations 14 and 15 as a sort of scherzo-interlude), and the remaining variations make a finale. Unusually, the first variation comes before the theme.

The piece is one of several by Rachmaninoff to quote the Dies Irae plainchant melody
http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Rhapsody_on _a_Theme_of_Paganini
2006-11-04 9:58 am
這幾個月不斷問這個blog中不同主題的古典音樂名字, 連問題語法也極之相似, 相信問者在那麼多次發問後心中已有正確答案

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