關於reference letter (急需幫忙)

2006-11-03 11:50 pm
resign都有幾個月, 想問公司攞番張reference letter, 英文唔係太好唔係好識寫formal letter, 驚寫出黎唔夠禮貌佢唔出比我, 老細又係鬼佬, 點樣寫會客氣D呢?

同埋, 係咪就算隔左幾個月, 公司都一定要出reference letter比員工既呢?

回答 (3)

2006-11-04 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
公司未必一定要出reference letter給員工的,因為reference letter代表著一種推薦,如果員工的表現未能令公司滿意它並不一定要將你推薦給其他人,這樣也不需出reference letter了.

但有一樣叫做letter of employment的東西,公司卻是有義務要出給員工的,但letter of employment只會客觀地列明在何年何月何日至何年何月何日,你受聘於某公司,職位是甚麼,人工有多少這類資料,是沒有推薦性的.

不過一般情況而言,除非你是背著黑鑊而去,正常的公司都不吝一封reference letter的.給你一封簡單的template,希望可以幫到你吧.

(靠右) Your address
(靠右) Date

Your boss title
Your company address.
Dear Mr/Mrs XXX (Your boss name)

I write to ask you to offer me a reference letter.

I have been working for the company for x years. In the years I served the company, I loyally carried out my duties such as _____, _____, and _____. (List some of your major duties) It is my pleasure to work with you and my fellow colleagues. It is my pleasure as well if you would value my contribution to the company positively, and it honours me if I can recieve a reference letter from you.

Thank you in advance. I look forward to seeing your kind replies. Shall you have any further enquries, please feel free to contact me at 12345678 (your phone number). Thank you again.

Yours sincerely,
(your name)
Former (your position, make sure to let him recall who you are)
2006-11-04 1:11 am
老細係鬼佬,都有staff 係中國人ga ma..你打電話返去問d同事咪ok lor..
2006-11-04 12:24 am
你遞信時沒有要求攞番張reference letter, last day 出 final payment 你又冇要求入職証明和要求事後寄給你. 冇提出要出reference letter, 公司都不一定要出比員工

Would you please prepare a reference letter for me for my job apllication record
推 薦 信
僱 主 在 聘 用 新 員 工 時 常 會 要 求 員 工 提 供 推 薦 信 (reference letter) 。 推 薦 信 主 要 由 僱 主 撰 寫 , 有 些 僱 主 則 會 要 求 員 工 自 行 撰 寫 推 薦 信 供 其 參 考 。
以 下 是 推 薦 信 包 含 的 內 容 :

第 一 部 份 : 說 明 推 薦 者 與 你 的 關 係
第 二 部 份 : 詳 列 你 的 工 作 職 責
第 三 部 份 : 推 薦 者 對 你 表 現 的 評 語
第 四 部 份 : 推 薦 者 對 你 的 支 持 及 能 力 的 確 認

範 本 :

To Whom It May Concern

It has been a great pleasure for me to work with Ms. Cheng Lok Yiu, who has been a marketing officer with our company between the year 1999 and 2003.

As a marketing officer of our company, Ms. Cheng is responsible for a number of job duties ranging from promoting our company products, exploring and establishing business relationship with potential clients.

Apart from being a good team member, Ms. Cheng also displayed considerable initiative and approached her work thoughtfully and intelligently. Ms. Cheng also impressed me of being able to rise above the call of duty on certain occasions and was more than capable of taking up extra responsibilities.

Your favorable consideration and assistance to Ms. Cheng will be very much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Agnes Chow
Marketing Department
Super-smart Corporation

Reference : http://www.u21.org.hk/main/occupation/useful_info/referenceletter.htm


僱主有權選擇是否替僱員寫推薦信。公司是有責任提供「工作證明」(Letter of reference)以證明僱員在那段期間做甚麼崗位,但不一定要提供「推薦信」(Letter of recommendation). 再且,很多僱主因為未能充份認識僱員,未必願意承擔寫推薦信的風險,尤其是離職了一段時間的僱員。以前你的僱主幫你寫,不是奉旨。現在僱主不願寫,也不是他的問題,只要公司能提供在職證明便可。



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