食生蠔除了加chili sauce外,還可加什麼 sauce?

2006-11-03 10:43 pm
食生蠔除了加chili sauce外,還可加什麼 sauce?
紅酒醋是什麼, 加在那品種生蠔上?

回答 (3)

2006-11-04 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 紅色似茄汁的叫oyster cocktail sauce. 主要是由茄汁, horseradish, tabasco和檸檬汁混成.
2. 有些人只加小許 tabasco和檸檬汁
3. 有些人用他他醬(tartar sauce)
4. 有些人講究些會用Mignonette Sauce. 主要是由紅酒醋, 紅蔥頭和黑椒混成
2006-11-03 10:49 pm
Tomato sauce & lime sauce ...... because this will help to increase the fresh taste .
Of course chill sause also taste good.

2006-11-03 14:50:11 補充:
Ketchup also .
2006-11-03 10:45 pm
ketchup and lemon juice as well...but I prefer to eat them plain when they are real fresh

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