叫銀行出多張bank statement 應該點寫呢?

2006-11-03 10:07 pm
自己唔見左張bank statement,想叫銀行再出過一張, 應該點寫呢?

回答 (8)

2006-11-03 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please provide an extra copy of the bank statement for October 2006.
2006-11-03 10:19 pm
I am writing to ask if you could kindly issue a copy of my account statement again (for I have lost the original one).
2006-11-03 10:18 pm
Request for An Extract of Bank Statement

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is XXX. My account no. is XXXXXXXXX. I am writing for request an extra copy of the bank statement of period XX-XX-2006 to XX-XX-2006.

Should you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact me by telephone at XXXXXXXX; or email [email protected]

yours faithfully,
Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs. XXXX XXXX
Date: XX-XX-2006
2006-11-03 10:16 pm

eg. 8月1日至10月30日嘅statement
a=自己 b=銀行
a:Excuse me, I lost one of my bank statements and I would like another one reissued.

b: Certainly. Between which period would you like your statement printed?

a: From beginning of August to the end of October, thanks.

b. Sure. Please wait a moment.

仲有可能有啲銀行會charge你一啲手續費. 銀行可能會咁樣同你講

b: There is going to be a charge of $HKXXX dollars for reprinting statements.

Hope this helps~~
參考: me!
2006-11-03 10:13 pm
Re: XXX's account no.: xxxxxxx

Please take this letter as your authorisation to re-send the bank statement for the captioned account for the month of xxx.

Thank you for your kind attention.
2006-11-03 10:13 pm
I have lost my bank statement. Please issue me a restatement of ____ (the month of the statement u want).
2006-11-03 10:10 pm
May I request an extra bank statement of period dd-mm-yyyy up to dd-mm-yyyy
2006-11-03 10:10 pm
唔要自己寫的,你只要打出客戶服務部同佢地講話要補返份statement 就得架啦,不過要收錢的,

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