
2006-11-03 9:45 pm
~Thank You~

And........ Can you please tell me where can I download it?

回答 (1)

2006-11-03 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
XPTuneup - Downloads

XPTuneup 3.1 has been released on September 23rd, 2002 with following fixes to 3.0 release
1. Problem with Customizing recycle bin on some the PC have been corrected
2. Now disabling MSN messenger would not slow down Outlook Express load time

XPTuneup 3.0 has been released on August 27th, 2002 and has significant new additions over previous release ( which was XPTuneup 2.0 released on June 4th, 2002). Apart from keeping the promise of being a simple inteface, It has many of the plus points. Following three options are available :-
1.Process/Thread Monitor, an integrated taskbar
2. Registry analyzer and cleaner
3. Admin options that include controlling auto logon feature as well as time synchronization feature with atomic clocks. Also included is new feature that would allow you to add/remove entries in control panel as well as for Microsoft Windows XP Professional users, an option to run various Microsoft Console Applications.

This software has been developed to help you apply many of the tips listed on this site via a simple interface. It goes without say that version 3.0 includes all of the capabilities of version 2.0 which has been an implementation of about 50 tips listed on this web site.
You can download the software and try it out but you must agree to terms and conditions as written in the disclaimer section of this page to do that. If you agree to term & conditions of the software, go ahead and click here to download XPTuneup 3.0 software.

What's available in XPTuneup release 3.0 ?

Everything that is available in release 2.0 which mean following feaures :-

1. UNDO option is now available. You can selectively undo each of the four categories.
2. Welcome screen provides realtime display of available physical and virtual memory
3. A log is now maintained of the activities carried out on your system. Tips that have alread been applied are grayed out (disabled) so that you know what has been applied and what has been left out.
4. Also, if it is the first time you have installed the software, it will scan your system and registry settings and would automatically enable/disable tips that have been applied on your computer.
5. Interactive notification of actions taken. Now when you click on any of the buttons. you would be notified via a message balloon. You also hear a sound notification as well.
6. Bringing mouse next to ? icon would change the mouse shape and clicking on it would take you to the portion of the site where corresponding tip has been decribed in detail.

a lot of extras which include following additional feaures :-

7.Process/Thread Monitor, an integrated taskbar
8. Registry analyzer and cleaner
9. Admin options that include following :
9.1 controlling auto logon feature
9.2 Time synchronization feature with national atomic clocks.
9.3 Option to add/remove entries in control panel
9.4 For Windows XP Professional users, an option to run various Microsoft Console Applications.

Windows優化大師 V7.3 Build 6.618

軟件大小:2.92 MB
軟件類別:國產軟件 / 共享版 / 系統設置

Windows優化大師 V7.31 Build 6.618 更新說明: 1、修正了系統信息檢測LCD純色測試的一處Bug。 2、修正了註冊表清理可能出現掃瞄不完全的Bug。 3、其它幾處細小的調整。 Windows優化大師 V7.33 Build 6.615 更新說明: 1、改進了系統信息檢測。 (1)、改進了存儲系統檢測。改進了對Seagate硬盤的檢測。 (2)、改進了系統性能測試。 i). 改進了顯示卡和內存性能測試。 ii).改進了用戶界面。 2、全面改進了冗余動態鏈接庫清理。提高了安全性。 3、改進了軟件智能卸載。進一步提高了卸載分析的安全性。 4、改進了註冊表清理。進一步提高了兼容性,同時增加了清理內容。 5、改進了垃圾文件清理。 (1)、增加了可清理的垃圾文件類型。 (2)、改進了目錄統計模塊。 (3)、改進了重複文件分析模塊。 6、改進了開機速度優化。刪除了實際意義不顯著的設置項目。 7、改進了自動優化模塊。 8、改進了用戶界面。 9、改進了系統性能測試。 10、其它一些細小的改進和調整。


·Windows優化大師 V7.3 Build 6.618 [上海電信一號服務器] 
·Windows優化大師 V7.3 Build 6.618 [上海電信二號服務器] 

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