What's mean of this sentence

2006-11-03 7:36 pm
Do not give me treat Tom, for I am a practical person.

1.) why the for (peposition) put after the comma?
2.) If I want change this to a compound sentence or complex sentence, how can I do?

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tom, 別討好我,因為我為人很均真。

1. for放comma後面因為它在這裡不是作preposition用,而是作conjunction用, 作「因為」解, 這裡兩句句子的for是連接了因果關係~

如果老師問: For what reason are you late for school? (for what reason=why)
學生: I am late for I missed the train. (for=because) ,回應了 for what reason

2. 要變成一句只須省去comma就可, 即
Do not give me treat (省去Tom) for i am a practical person. 如一定要有tom就要有comma先自然wor

句中的comma只是為叫完人之後停一停, 好似我地話: 「阿明,你聽日得唔得閒呀?」都會有停頓而唔會一口氣話「阿明你聽日得唔得閒呀?」, 當然你要一口氣講唔係唔得,但冇咁自然jei~
2006-11-03 8:42 pm
Do not give me treat Tom, for I am a practical person.
譯:Tom, 請不要給我甜頭, 因為我是個實際的人!

1) The prep [for] is put after comma since it uses as conjunction in this case

eg. We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport.

2) Do not give me treat Tom since I am a practical person.


Do not give me treat Tom, it is because I am a practical person.
參考: yahoo dict
2006-11-03 8:14 pm
1.) why the for (peposition) put after the comma?
點解個 for (介系詞) 放係 逗號 後面 ?

2.) If I want change this to a compound sentence or complex sentence, how can I do?
如果我想轉呢句做 一句 複合 句 或 複 句 ,我可以點做 ?

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