Google Adsense 可以用在自己xanga / 自己no-ip domain web host 中嗎?

2006-11-03 8:01 am
我想申請google Adsense

但係我既網頁只有 xanga 和 自己no-ip 的www webpage.
1. 如果我利用這兩個網頁去申請Google Adsense 會否成功?
2. 在xanga 加了script 會否給xanga blcok account ?
3. 在no-ip個人 www 網頁加了script 會否給no-ip blcok account ?

thx !

回答 (3)

2006-11-05 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
網賺愈來愈難做(冇下線)~~所以要賺錢不如腳踏實地填問卷賺錢, 我巳收過100(半個月-一個月)~~雖然冇幾千蚊, 但冇理由有錢唔賺~~

你幫人做完問卷, 問果個人有佣金收~而家係呢個網做, 佣金歸你~


中智庫瑪 - (同著名國際機構Acnielsen合作)


註冊是一個非常簡單的過程 - 大約5分鐘的時間,完成註冊後,將會有20個積分。當積分累計到100分,你就可兌換成現金或禮物。

咁樣的話,一個月起碼有200分或以上。[email protected]

p.s 註册完會有一封註册e-mail, 里面有條link記住click^^ (封e-mail 可能亂碼, 但標題有51poll果封就係)
2006-11-21 10:36 pm
原來no-ip可以用adsense 的!!!!

上面個廣告. 廢野
2006-11-09 8:14 am

In fact, xanga already has its adsnese ads on every page. You have no right to put your own adsense ads onto your xanga page. The same applies to your no-ip webpage, coz Google will not accept your application.

The best thing for you to do, is to go and register an domain. After having a domain for yourself, you can then apply to Google for Adsense. It is much more appropiate.

On the other hand, there is a free method for you to apply for adsene!! Go to and apply for a blogger account. This is a free service provided by Google itself. You can then apply for Adsense and there is no fee for it!!

For more information, you can visit:
for various information you need in Adsense.

Or if you want to ask questions about Adsense, you are also welcome to go to :

Google Adsense can be a very good source of money income, if you can manage it in a good way. Do not trust those online survey/ interview, because they are all scam sites or they just pay you as little as USD$0.001 per time. Take me as an exmaple, I earn around USD$ 50 per month, which equals HKD$400!!! which is pretty good.

Join Adsense NOW!!!

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