
2006-11-03 6:56 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實1分鐘的英文短講並唔難作, 我相信你可以自己作好的.

既然你要講d有啟發性或有意義的事, 你可以
topic 1)
讀一篇近來的新聞. 例如非禮官恩娜男子事件, 從而再講出之前森美小儀 *最想非禮女藝人* 事件. 講下你對兩件事的看法同對大眾的影響.

topic 2)
你亦可以講一個有意義的故事, 例如珍惜眼前人或孝順父母等等的故事. 網上有好多這類型的故事的, 你可以去搵搵. 另外, 或者你之前都收過這些forwarded emails, 因為我之前都收過唔少.

topic 3)
你都可以講下一本書的內容. 你有睇過 Mitch Albom 的 The Five Peope You meet in Heaven嗎? 個故事講一個老人因為意外死了, 之後到了天堂, 遇到了在他一生中對他最有影響的五個人. 有他所認識的, 亦有不認識的. 從而講出其實人同人之間互相影響的關係....
第一個老人遇見的人是 Blue Man. 他對老人說過: *There are five people you meet in heaven, * the Blue Man suddenly said. *Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth.*

比晒ideas你去寫啦! 比心機啦!!!
參考: 自己
2006-11-04 12:32 am
The views and impacts of singlehood in a society

The popularity of staying single in the nowadays modern society has been going up as the image of marriage is going down. Marriage has not been as welcoming as in the past could be because of the high rate of divorce cases which makes the young have lost confidence in getting married. Moreover, this could be due to the young want to enjoy freedom as being single so that less responsibility is needed to bear in their lives. However, this trend of thought of staying single would indeed not only put them in a disadvantage position, but every citizen in the country.

Japan is currently suffering from a serious problem of aging population, just like some other Asian places, such as Hong Kong and Singapore. The birth rate of those places is below 1.5 per year. The distribution of age group of the population has become the “invented-pyramid” because the older age group is larger than the younger age group. For a country to have a “invented- pyramid” shaped population is an unhealthy state because the younger ones would have to pay higher taxes than their parents as the aging population progresses. Therefore, as singlehood contributes to the decrease in birth rate resulting in the aging population, singlehood would increase the “tax-burden” of every citizen, including those who remain single in the country.

Singlehood would affect the traditional values of marriage and family which are deeply rooted in the Asian cultures. In singlehood, cohabitation is encouraged because during cohabitation, there is less responsibility involved and no paper needs to be signed and yet the singles could enjoy the marriage-liked lives. The concept of cohabitation has challenge the concept of marriage. Marriage symbolizes responsibility and promises between the love ones. They are the important moral vales that keep the unity of husband and wife. The value of marriage is an essential component which makes the foundation of Asian culture. Singlehood would have posted a great challenge to the presence of cultural values.

The opposing viewpoint would claim that the cultural values of marriage are no longer valid in this 21st century because with the increase of divorce cases, the values of responsibility and promises have lost and marriage is only a paper. Therefore since marriage has lost its values, cohabitation would one of the better alternate choices. Apart from paying the cost of disheartening if there is a breakup, basically nothing is lost.

However, the view of the opposing viewpoint is too narrow because marriage is not a destination but a journey. One of the purposes of this journey would be to have a baby, a new life and bring the child up. Having a child is important to a society because one day the child would contribute to the society and the economy of the country could be driven on. When husband and wife divorce, it is not because the values of marriage are no longer valid but they simply ignore them. Therefore, singlehood may seem as a form of neglectfulness towards the culture values.

In the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 said, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him”. The word, “helper” refers to spouse of the man. The importance of having a life-long partner has been clearly identified in religion. It is not only mentally but socially as well. Being singles seems to be enjoying freedom, however, they are in fact adding burden to the country by contributing to the aging population, less workforce and higher tax paid. Singlehood would discourage the continuity of culture values to the next generation.
參考: My essay
2006-11-03 7:08 am
It is your work,please write it YOURSELF!

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