哩個句子係咩文 & 點解 ???

2006-11-03 6:15 am
哩個句子係咩文 & 點解 ---> Demasiado hijo de puta alrededor de mi ???

回答 (2)

2006-11-03 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是西班牙文, 帶一點不雅的意味

解釋: too much son of a bitch around me.

hijo de puta: kind of translates as "son of a bitch" in english but literally it means son of a whore. puta is short for spanish "prostituta" which means prostitute.

e.g. shut up you hijo de puta


2006-11-02 22:34:20 補充:
son of a b!tch
參考: http://babelfish.altavista.com/ 及以上網址
2006-11-03 6:24 am

puta 的許多個兒子在我附近

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