
2006-11-03 5:07 am
I am so free tonight that I went to Yeung Long after office.
I went to the bookstore to found the book name of "英文日記”( the cover is red) for child. I can't found it once again.
After that, I went to the market to bought some fruits.
I bought oranges.
I saw "香梨" just $5. I bought them because very cheap.
Oh!!! My God!!! When I went away I discovered they were rotten.
"邊有咁大隻蛤乸隨街”, I thought. I threw these into the rubbish bin at once. I bought another one.


回答 (4)

2006-11-03 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
”to found”應該用”to find”因為是infinitive

”the book name of ”英文日記”(the cover is red)for child.”你並不是找尋書名,而是一本書,但你這句不但文法上錯誤,也會使人莫名其妙,所以應改為
”to found a(用a而不用the是因為你不是指定那一本書)book, the title(書名並不是name,而是title) of which was(時式要根整句一致) ”英文日記”, It was written for children(不是child,因為不是只為一個小孩而寫)

”I cannot found it once again”應改為”I could not find it again”(時式應為過去式),但你這樣說不夠好,因為寫文章有時不要大直接,你可以改寫為”but I was disappointed again”

”After that”可以改為”Then”或者”afterward”或”thereafter”會更好

”I went to the market to buy(同樣問題,infinitive不用過去式)”

”I bought (some) oranges.”
”I saw (some pears) just cost $5 each. I bought them because (they were) very cheap.”

”Oh!!! My God!!! When I left(不應用went away) I found(用found是比較常用,discover通常是經過仔細的觀察,研究的發現) they were all(加上all更有強調意味) rotten.

”邊有咁大隻蛤乸隨街=There is no free lunch”, I thought. I threw the oranges into the rubbish bin at once. I bought another oranges.
2006-11-03 7:00 am

1. I was so free...........instead of I am so free.最好是寫成:I am so free after today's office hour so I went to Yueng Long.你是因今日放工後有空才去元朗還是因為你今晚有空才放工後去元朗?如你放工後有空去元朗,不會是(今)晚上吧?你放工後至晚上去元朗之前有沒有空閒時間和去了哪裡?

2. I went to the book store to FIND (用了 to 在動詞之前,那就一定要用現在式, 不能用 found)

3. I saw the fragrant pears just 5 dollars each. 要告訴別人那個價錢是一個(或一磅;一公斤等), I bought them because it's really a REAL BARGAIN.當一些東西;物品很平的時候,我們都會說:it's a real bargain. (盡量不要用 cheap, 因為會以為是賤)

4. 你說那些梨壞了,they were rotten, 但跟著你說你買了另一(個?) 為何你數量前後不一樣? ) ,不應說went away,應說 left(離開)
i.e. Oh! My god. I discovered that they were already rotten after I had left the store.
2006-11-03 5:40 am
Hi, there are several mistakes, here they are:

I went to the book store to [find](reason: bear infinitive) [a](wrong article) book [namely](adverb.) 英文日記 ([red cover]) for [children](plural form). I [couldn't find ] (wrong tense) it [again] (no need to use once). After that, I went to the market to [buy](bear infinitive) some fruits. I bought [some](determiner needed) oranges.
I saw [some] pears, cost only $5. So I bought some as they were cheap.
Oh!!!My God!!! When I [left] (wrong phrase used) I discovered that they were rotten.
邊有咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳 , I thought. Then I threw [those] rotten pears away (fragments).
And bought some other.
參考: me myself
2006-11-03 5:23 am
我去書局到發現書名字的"英文日記”( 蓋子是紅的) 為了孩子. 我不能發現多一次.
我see香梨 正當 $5.我買他們因為非常便宜的.
哎呀!!! 我的天!!! 我走開的時候我發現他們是腐爛的.
"邊有咁大隻蛤乸隨街”, 我認為. 我扔這些進入垃圾箱櫃立刻. 我買另外1

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