give two diseases and causes~

2006-11-03 4:59 am
two diseases :


回答 (2)

2006-11-03 6:59 am
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) 阿滋海默症, 是老年痴呆症的其中一種.
The precise causes of this degenerative disease are unclear but early aging process and genetic factors have been identified to be possible causes. People with AD would experience a progressive deterioration.

阿滋海默症(Alzheimer's disease , AD)是一個神經退化性的疾病,是由阿滋海默醫生在一九零七年發表的,他形容:這種病會造成記憶的失去,認知的失調,還有不正常的行為;在之前課堂上所學的HD、PD的知識都可以應用在這一個神經退化性疾病上,AD的致病原因不明,而好發的時間是在老年時期,大約五、六十歲左右,而病程則會有十~二十年之久,在這個過程之中,包括認知的失調,所以病患並不會了解自己的心智情形,而也因為如此,病患家屬在這個過程會遭受很大的痛苦,而且會付出很大的社會成本。
在AD中,只有5~10%是遺傳性的,而主要的族群是自發性的,而在自發性的族群中,最大的風險因子,就是老化,而更重要的是,我們的社會正邁入一個偏老年化的社會,所以可以想像的,這個疾病帶來的是多少的社會成本,反過來說,這個疾病的研究是很有市場潛力的。所以有非常多的藥廠和研究機構紛紛的投入AD 的研究及其有關基因的找尋。

Liver Cancer 肝癌
1) Gender: Men are more likely to get liver cancer than are women. This could be because of the behaviors listed below such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

2) Certain types of liver disease: On-going (chronic) infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a very important liver cancer risk. These infections, which are common in many parts of the world, make liver cancer the most common cancer in these areas. There are also some inherited liver diseases that increase the risk of liver cancer. People with hepatitis A infection do not have an increased risk of liver cancer.

3) Cirrhosis (suh-row-sis): Cirrhosis is the result of scar tissue in the liver. This can often lead to cancer. In this country, the major causes of liver cirrhosis are alcohol abuse and hepatitis B and C. Another cause is a disease that results in too much iron in the liver.

4) Tobacco use: There is a link between smoking and liver cancer. The risk may be even greater for people who also abuse alcohol.

5) Diabetes: This disease can also increase the risk of liver cancer, usually in people who have other risk factors such as heavy drinking or viral hepatitis.

6) Obesity: Obesity might increase the risk of getting liver cancer.

7) Aflatoxins: These cancer-causing substances are made by a fungus that can contaminate peanuts, wheat, soybeans, groundnuts, corn, and rice. Long-term exposure to aflatoxins can increase the risk of liver cancer. In the United States and Europe, these foods are tested for aflatoxins.

8) Vinyl chloride and thorium dioxide (Thorotrast): These chemicals are risk factors for several types of liver cancer. They have become much less important since Thorotrast is no longer used and exposure to vinyl chloride is strictly controlled.

9) Anabolic steroids: These are male hormones that are used by some athletes to increase their strength. Long-term use of these can slightly increase the risk of liver cancer.

10) Arsenic: In some parts of the world, drinking water contaminated with arsenic increases the risk of liver cancer.

11) Birth control pills: Birth control pills may slightly increase the risk of liver cancer. Most of the studies linking birth control pills and cancer involve types of pills that are no longer used. Birth control pills are now made differently and it is not known if they increase liver cancer risk.

肝 癌 是 香 港 常 見 的 癌 症 。 每 年 死 於 肝 癌 的 有 一 千 多 人 , 是 癌 症 的 第 二 號 殺 手 。 每 年的 新 症 數 目 約 有 一 千 五 百 宗 。 男 性 患 者 明 顯 較 女 性 為 多 , 平 均 發 病 年 齡 為 六 十 至 六十 五 歲 。

成 因:
肝 癌 有 很 多 成 因 , 有 些 尚 在 研 究 中 。 據 資 料 顯 示 , 香 港 大 部 份 肝 癌 病 人 都 感 染 過 乙型 肝 炎 或 曾 患 肝 硬 化 。 流 行 病 學 研 究 的 結 果 顯 示 , 乙 型 肝 炎 流 行 的 地 方 與 肝 癌 常 見的 地 方 大 致 相 同 ; 而 在 動 物 實 驗 中 亦 證 實 乙 型 肝 炎 可 引 致 肝 癌 。 最 近 的 研 究 更 顯 示, 肝 硬 化 是 引 致 肝 癌 的 主 要 原 因 。 除 了 乙 型 肝 炎 外 , 酗 酒 及 丙 型 肝 炎 也 是 原 因 。 此外 , 發 霉 的 食 物 , 尤 其 是 花 生 及 穀 類 果 實 中 所 發 現 的 黃 曲 霉 毒 , 在 動 物 實 驗 中 亦 証實 可 導 致 肝 癌 。
2006-11-03 6:40 am
卓卓 你係到玩野呀! 不過我支持你

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