
2006-11-03 3:07 am

回答 (1)

2006-11-04 3:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Serving as a juror (陪審員) is an obligation of every resident of HK who is qualified to serve.

Serving as a juror can sometimes cause inconvenience. However, in a society such as HK where the rule of law is upheld and it enjoys a transparent legal system, the role and importance of the jury system make jury service a privilege.

A resident of HK is eligible to serve as a juror if he/she:
--has reached the age of 21 but below 65
--is of a sound mind and has no disabilities such as hearing or visual impairments that might prevent him/her from serving as a juror
--is of good character
--has sufficient knowledge of the language of the court proceedings (chin. or Eng. as the case may be)

The Commissioner of Registration will include your name in the list of jurors if you are considered eligible. The Registrar, High Court (高等法院司法常務官) will serve a notice on you, notifying that your name is about to be added to the list of jurors.

The Registrar, High Court, compiles a provisional lst of jurors in or before Oct in each alternate year. This list is confirmed during or before the following Feb. The Registrar may compile additional lists from time to time. A notice is then published in the Govn't Gazette (政府憲報) and in newpapers, stating that copies of the provisional list or the additional list of jurors are available for inspection.

The Registrar, High Court,each week draws at random a no. of jurors from the list. If you are selested, a summons will be sent to you by registered post requesting your presence in the High Court or the Coroner's Court (死因裁判庭) on a certain date. You are usually given at least 21 day's notice of a call for jury service.

A juror who has attended in response to a jury summors will noit normally be summoned again within 2 years.

The jury for each High Court trial is selected by ballot in open court from among those who have been summoned. Usually more jurors are summoned than are needed. This allows for those granted exemption. In criminal (刑事) trials, this also allows for objections from the lawyers for the defence and the prosecution.

Members of the panel not selested on the first occasion in the court may be reauired to attend another court for the selection of another jury on that day or on a later date.
參考: 陪審團JURY (司法機構出版小册子,可在任何一所法院免費取閱)

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