10分...Who know 光合作用 and Respiration

2006-11-03 2:40 am
3)Find a mistake and correct it .
1.Respiration take place in animals only.
2.Gaseous exchange take place in nose .
3.In plants ,respiration takes place only at night .
4.Carbon dioxide is produced in the air sacs during respiration.

回答 (8)

2006-11-03 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Respiration take place in animals only.
Respiration take place in animals and plants.
2.Gaseous exchange take place in nose .
Gaseous exchange take place in air sac.
3.In plants ,respiration takes place only at night .
In plants ,respiration takes place at noon and night\
4.Carbon dioxide is produced in the air sacs during respiration.
Carbon dioxide is produced in the air sacs during gaseous exchange.
2006-12-10 7:38 am

第1題:respiration take place in all animals and plants and some green algae and microorganisms.

第2題:gaseous exchange take place in between alveolar epithelial cell in air sac and surrounding capillaries.

第4題答錯左,果句野錯既地方係carbon dioxide is produced in all metabolic active body cells
2006-11-03 3:58 am
1.Respiration take place in (animals only).--->Plants and Animals

2.Gaseous exchange take place in (nose) .--->Lung

3.In plants ,respiration takes place (only at night) .All the time,
TIPS4 you. Because during daylight, Photosynthesis reat > Respiration rate.So there is net photosynthesis. and during the night Respiration rate > Photosynthesis reat so there is net Respiration.

4.Carbon dioxide is produced (in the air sacs) during respiration. ---->in all cells and.it is transported by red blood cell 的血紅素
2006-11-03 3:49 am
Respiration take place in animals only.
 Gaseous exchange take place in nose .
  In plants ,respiration takes place only at night .
   Carbon dioxide is produced in the air sacs during respiration.
2006-11-03 2:49 am
(1)Respiration take place not only in animals but also in plants, prokaryotes
(2)Gaseous exchange in lungs in animals
(3)In plants ,respiration takes place under sunlight also
(4)Carbon dioxide is produced by body cells during respiration
2006-11-03 2:45 am
1. Respiration takes place in plants and animals.
2. Gaseous exchange take place in lung.
3. In plants, respiration takes place all the time, including morning and night.
4. Carbon dioxide is produced in all cells during respiration.
2006-11-03 2:44 am
1.Respiration take place in both animals and plants.
2.Gaseous exchange take place in lungs.
3.In plants ,respiration takes place throughout the day .
4.Carbon dioxide is produced in the cells (sink) during respiration.

2006-11-02 18:45:59 補充:
4. blood cells are definitely wrong as they are only transporters of oxygen. The cells I mean are somatic cells that oxidize glucose.

2006-11-02 23:41:09 補充:
4. Carbon dioxide IS NOT PRODUCED in air sacs, but released in them. They are produced by other somatic cells.

2006-11-07 13:05:00 補充:
You have to note the difference between gaseous exchange and respiration. The former is the place where the exchange of gas happens whereas the latter is the place where energy is released for body functions.
2006-11-03 2:43 am
1). respiration takes place in all organisms
2). Gaseous exchange takes place not only in nose, but in mouth also
3). In plants, respiration take place all the time
4). Carbon dioxide is produced in the blood cells during respiration

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