My son is upset

2006-11-03 1:49 am
My son is always very unhappy because his classmates always him "seven" head. They think that his hair style looks ugly. Even after cutting or setting his hair, they still call him "seven" head. I told him not to take it too seriously, and not to go along with these classmates but he said he has not other friends. How can I make him feel better?

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實小朋友係呢個年紀係需要朋輩的認同的. 可能你個仔太正經, 佢地至叫佢seven head姐. 除左hair style, 應該衣著, 打扮係部份原因. 但係, 如果要你個仔扮成班friend 個樣, 你個仔會迷失自我的. 你不如試下增加佢既自信心, 教佢人地講口頭嘽同你玩下啫, 你有無見佢地幫D 唔friend 既改花名呀! 同埋你唔可以出面叫佢D 同學唔好咁玩, 如果唔係你個仔仲慘呀!
2006-11-05 1:25 am
成班同學 搵個其他同學玩 不過 都改變唔到佢個花名 seven head
我個女扎個髻返學 都比人笑 係牛屎頭 佢都好唔開心架
佢改變髮型 好睇左 但是 同學都係叫佢做牛屎頭
唯有你同佢講多 d 野 等佢無咁唔開心囉 我都係咁咋
佢依加都有講 d 衰人叫佢做牛屎頭 不過 無咁唔開心啦
笑笑口咁講 叫佢識其他同學 成班咁多人 未必識得晒
2006-11-03 2:07 am
咁你都叫埋佢做 seven head 咪得囉,聽聽下佢就順耳架啦 !!

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