電話上的 #/* 鍵,英文字母表達

2006-11-03 1:26 am
電話上的 #/* 鍵,英文字母表達

回答 (4)

2006-11-03 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
In US, # = pound sign
In UK, # = hash sign

* = Star Sign
2006-11-03 1:40 am
* : Star Key
/: Slash Key
#: Hush Key

2006-11-02 17:48:15 補充:
#: not sure about the spelling, might be Hitch Key
2006-11-03 1:30 am
#/* 係冇英文字母表達嫁wo,好似:#1234# , *5678*都冇嫁啦。

2006-11-02 17:31:38 補充:
2006-11-03 1:30 am
# = pound
* = asterisk

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