send 信求職個陣......

2006-11-03 1:11 am
用email send 信求職個陣...attach 完resume/ apply letter 之後...駛唔駛響內容個度打野架? 如果要..打咩呢?

如果佢淨係叫你send resume..好唔好sent埋apply letter比佢地好?


回答 (4)

2006-11-03 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的習慣係將application letter 當成cover letter, 即你所講的"內容"
人事部一開e-mail就知你想點, 唔洗開幾個attachment, 方便好多

如果又attachment app letter又打一個"內容", 咪重覆左law.....

2. 當然要send app letter 比佢啦~ 得個resume佢鬼知你send黎做咩咩~
2006-11-04 1:40 am
1. 我0既做法係...
Resume --> Attached
Apply Letter --> Attached
Email Content --> 只係寫幾行野, 話比人就地知..你已經將有關0既information attached0左...好似以下咁:

Dear Sirs,

In response to your advertisement in JobsDB on Oct 27, seeking a Senior Marketing Officer, please find my resume and cover letter attached for your consideration.

I would appreciate the opportunity to attend an interview and present my portfolio in your office at any suitable time.

Please call me on xxxx xxxx if you think an interview would be appropriate.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Chan Tai Man

2. 如果係個Employer自己出個Job Ad..就算佢地只係叫你send resume...但點都send埋apply letter...因為差唔多個個人applicant都會寄埋...佢唔睇一件事...

相反..如果個job ad係recruitment agency出...而無話要apply letter...就唔洗比...因為佢地一定唔會睇架
2006-11-03 6:13 am
通常係cover letter + resume

多數不用在內容再打野,只是attach 完resume/ apply letter 就可以了。多數人都係咁做。
2006-11-03 1:18 am
You better send FULL application to the employer:
1. Detail resume with expected salary, date available & salary history, the reason of leaving. If you are fresh grad. just mark the expected salary and date available is fine.
2. With Cover letter is better then just send resume. (you can search for cover letter or resume to get the sample)
Hope can help!
Good luck~

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