我在公司喜歡了一個女同事, 但感到大家年齡應有點距離, 所以有點不知所措 !

2006-11-03 12:54 am
我是一位已超過35歲的男士, 我最近在公司發覺好像喜歡了一個女同事, 雖然不肯定對方的年齡, 但感到大家年齡應有點距離, 可能超過10年了, 雖然大部人時常都說年齡不是問題, 但始終都會有點戒心似的, 可以怎樣去嘗試, 但如失敗又怕工作時見到面會不安... 有朋友有這經歷嗎 ??

回答 (5)

2006-11-03 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案


喜歡了一個人, 是不分年齡的,
參考: 自己
2006-11-03 1:12 am
2006-11-03 1:07 am
I have. I think it is OK if u are really in love with her. I went to dancing class and a boy was in love with me. He is also bigger than I am, I thinhk he is also 10 years older than me, but he has the courage and I am staying with him now!! My advice for u is that if u are really in love with her and u think u have the ability to make her your another half, than u should go ahead and let her know. Trust me and take your courage out! u are a men!! :-)
參考: My own expirence
2006-11-03 1:07 am
No need to worry la, young girl like mature ma la. Many 3X 歲man marry 2X歲 girl la 10 years is perfect la. better if she is 28/29, they all want to get married before 30.

But I wish you also have house/money/car /good job and ready to get married

This will make things even easier.

Just do not try too hard at first la, ask her to go out la, after going out 6 times la if you feel she have feel for you. Move a step further la. Do not let other colleagues know ar.
Better find chance to start holding her hands within one months of continuous serious going out, else she will think you are not for real and just playing.

Do not act like colour wolf girl 100% hate that.

With luck you can married her in 12-24 months

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