
2006-11-03 12:25 am
我見過較新版本的Linux,d UI好靚又好正,幾乎可媲美Mac機
加上Linux係open source的

回答 (4)

2006-11-05 12:43 am
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好似個個都一野打沉GNU/Linux。所以我會provide另類info。你指UI好靚應該係指xgl/aiglx+composite manager(Compiz/Beryl) 有好多 design 參考MacOSX 唔少。係好靚,而且電腦硬件要求不高, 兩、三年機齡既電腦都可以行xgl得好暢。缺點係用RAM都幾多,最好有512MB以上。beryl開發版最近玩緊燒走window 或好似startrek咁beam走window既動畫,幾正下。

不過講真.. UI 靚唔代表會多人用。如果係咁Mac晨早佔左好大市場。而GNU/Linux早年亦會增長不少。(GNU/Linux比Windows更早有theme, 半透窗框係98年Enlightenment已有) UI靚亦唔代表User-friendly, Opensource involve大多party, 要整合到好user-friendly不易。

事實上GNU/Linux 係 server side 市場已不錯。很多大企業如Morgan Stanley都用GNU/Linux。對Windows 做成壓力不少,否則MS不會在各場合甚至其廣告刻意針對GNU/Linux。特別 server side, 有不少技術亦是在Unix/Linux開發,IBM, Oracle, Novell, HP等都有提供GNU/Linux支援服務。

桌面道路是很漫長,我亦不表太樂觀,除了Windows, Mac 亦是GNU/Linux主要對手。

2006-11-04 16:51:24 補充:
其實 OpenOffice.org既 OpenDocument 格式已迫使MS在新版Office需要支援。大氣候係要d open既野,未必係Open Source, 但對自由軟件或GNU/Linux有利。不過我反而睇好Google, Web2.0 將會完全改寫電腦市場生態。Google對MS既威脅可能仲大。
2006-11-03 3:21 am
2006-11-03 12:49 am
在公司環境裡大部份都使用Microsoft 的產品, 那會有公司不支援其他公司的文件呢? 雖然 OpenOffice 似乎 99% 同 MS-Office 一樣, 但沒有太多公司願意負上這個風險!

而在 Server 層面而言, 大公司需要的是全面支援, Open Source 的支援實在太細, 對於慳錢的 SME 市場才可以佔一些甜頭
2006-11-03 12:45 am
Mac tiger is Unix base la, it just use a good UI so you do not know it is unix.
Unix expert are improving it from time to time la
If the UI is totally Free, it is very possible 將要令Windows市場佔有率跌a little bit.

However Microsoft very good at marketing and PR. Also there are all sort of Microsoft programme like explorer outlook word, excel, access, powerpoint etc which everyone know how to use and are using them every day. Which perform better if you are using windows.

Also windows new UI is going to be very much like Mac, and to comply with US law they propable have to release their source code (because US do not allow monopoly)

Therefore Windows will still have a big market share for many years.

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