
2006-11-02 11:44 pm
我現在計劃寫一篇論文,題目係'Can you retain employee after offering high salary'
我d theory搵到好多,但問題係,我本來想係中環搵銀行員工做街頭訪問,但miss話d銀行員工唔肯答你,而且唔同公司文化唔同,做出既訪問唔準確。
各位網友請比d提示我,我應該點樣做好,我下星期二要交個題目比miss la,我唔係要求你幫我做功課,我只想你比d提示我,等我知道應該點做好,help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!呢份野搞唔掂我畢唔到業架!!!!! 我問過miss點做佢唔肯答我我先問你地炸!!!

我原本題目是can you retain the employee after the high salary? case study: junior staff in banking industry 如果照下面個個人兄咁講,咁我應該訪問咩野僱主,唔同行業有唔同答案,我miss話,因為情況不一樣,咁個result就可能唔準確了!!!!



回答 (3)

2006-11-03 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

the association between salary and staff turnover in hong kong

如果你collect到d questionnaire,再將佢分行業嚟做分析,其他就照你原先嘅打算。

2006-11-14 10:44 am
2006-11-03 1:47 am
I suggest your the topic of your writing paper could be: The study of the essential factors (or effective methods) for the reduction of employees turnover at a banking organization
It is a case study or research paper through sending questionnaires, conducting interviewing for banking staff to study what their goals, needs and job satisfaction that they are willing to be staying same organization for long time service and even become as lifers.
There are many factors to keeping staff working long, so what are the effective factors that you need to study as what are the motivators (or/ and demotivators) making the staff staying longer, after collecting data and make analysis, then you shall make conclusion and recommendations in final.
This topic let you have many things to be analyzed and written

Here the factors may include:
(1) Extrinsic rewards & (2) intrinsic rewards
For example, in Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory—the motivation theory which describing two factors affecting people’s work motivation and satisfaction by extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
It includes hygiene factors(extrinsic reward) and job factors(intrinsic reward); Hygiene factors are characteristics of the workplace such as company policies, working conditions, salary or wage pay, co-workers, supervision, and so forth. These factors can make people (employees) unhappy if they are poorly managed
Job factors are the job itself that are what people do at work, the actual job responsibilities, opportunity for personal growth and recognition, and the feelings of achievement the job provides. These probably would be motivators for best performance.

You may need study the human needs of Alderfer's ERG, Maslow's theory, some expectancy theories, and the Oldham Model.
The study of Job design, Job rotation, Job enlargement and Job enrichment; employee delegation and empowerment; staff promotion, career advancement and so on, that which factors are effective to satisfy the needs of the bank staff and they will be staying longer.
You need to study different level of staff since they would have different needs. Senor staff who taking high salary and benefits would like a a reward of non-monetory type. You may demonstrate different arguments with strong supports and reasoning that your Miss could not make challenge to your paper!
Good luck!

2006-11-02 18:02:12 補充:
Addition:The topic can also be : Employee Retention of the Banking Organization of Hong KongThe topic(title) of a paper must be written as (Normalization) form Do not use Retaining employee in Banking Org of HK

2006-11-02 18:13:41 補充:
The common practice of most bank in HK is offering very low interest rate on house financial plan to retain their staff
參考: Own experience

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