出final warning letter

2006-11-02 10:48 pm
我公司老細想就以下三點出封final warning letter比我個同事,可唔可以幫我用英文寫?


回答 (6)

2006-11-02 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Final Warning Letter

It has come to our attention that your performance had been unsatisfactory in discharging your duties towards the Company as stipulated in the following manners:

1. Underperformance, inefficient, and under-effort in your work; and
2. Often absence yourself from your duty (taking leaves too often); and
3. Had not taken adequate and necessary measures to inform the Company of your absence.

The Company, according to your attitude hereinabove mentioned, issues to you a Final Warning Letter. Further unsatisfactory performance on your part, as deemed by the Company may result in the Company taking necessary actions to ensure the Company's best interest.

2006-11-02 15:36:19 補充:
The actions that the Company can take depends on the type of contract signed with the employee, and the content of the letter can be altered accordingly. ex... the Company reserves the right to termination your contract with the Company according to paragraph X, of the Employment Agreement.
2006-11-03 3:14 am
你那發出警告信的三個理由好像欠理據, 除了第三点.

1. 不滿表現; 做事太慢........等, 這些都是很抽象, 你老細應指出他因賴散而做錯的事情及交不是功課(工作).

2. 經常請假? 你們有沒有批准? 如有便不是理由了.

3. 請假不通知你老細? 那就不是請假而是曠職(工)了, 這点可以是發警告信的理由. (Being absence from work without notify the company and application for leave)

2006-11-02 19:15:44 補充:
第一点最後的那句應為交不足功課(工作)而不是交不是...........Hope you can understand.
2006-11-02 11:59 pm
Not satisfy with your performance, too slow, lazy & sleeping on the job.
Frequently absent.
Never informing our boss for leaves.
參考: self
2006-11-02 11:29 pm
Dear xxx,

Further to our meeting today I gave you final warning unsatisfactory conduct. This occurred after your supervisor informed me that you had been poor performance recently and your tasks always not completed before the deadline. You have always day off without notice. However any further unsatisfactory conduct will result in immediate dismissal.

Yours sincerely,
參考: reference book : Model Business letters, e-mails by Shirley Taylor
2006-11-02 11:21 pm
This final warning letter is issued to you because of your unsatisfactory working performance namely with the following three reasons:-
1.You are inattentive and sluggish in your work.
2.You always asked for leave.
3.You took the leave without informing my superior.
If you do not immediately discontinue the above practices and make appropriate corrections, you will be dismissed without further notice.
2006-11-02 10:53 pm
1. Underperforming . Working in a slow pace and lazy.
2. Absent due to sickness is too often
3. Do not notify to the comapany when taking sick leave

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