find the mistake

2006-11-02 9:12 pm
1. She does not eat dinner yet.
2. He said me that he would call
3. Where you been since last night?
4. If I had $5 million, I will buy a house.
5. I must to study English every day.
6. I wish have a nice house, but I do not
7. The teacher told me do not be absent.
8. His car was stealed last month.
9. When my car will fixed?
10. I do not remember where are my keys.

回答 (8)

2006-11-03 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. she does not (have) dinner yet
2. he told me that he would call
3. Where have you been since last night?
4 If I had $5million, I would buy a house.
5. I must study English every day
6. I wish to have a nice house since I don't have now.
7. The teacher told me not to be absent again.
8. His car was stolen last month
9. When will my car be fixed?
10. I do not remember where I put my keys .
2006-11-04 7:32 pm
To: 發問者評價:
I would say,
1. She does not had dinner yet.
6. I wish I have a nice house, but I do not .
10. I do not remember where my keys are .
2006-11-03 12:25 am
1.She does not have dinner yet.

2.He told me that he would call.

3.Where have you been last night?

4.If I had $5 million, I would buy a house.

5.I must study English every day.

6.I wish I had a nice house, but I didn't.

7.The teacher told me not to be absent.

8.His car was stolen last month.

9.When will my car be fixed?

10.I do no't remember where my keys are.

2006-11-02 16:27:34 補充:
出現了亂碼...orz更正6.I wish I had a nice house, but I did not.10.I do not remember where my keys are.
2006-11-02 10:24 pm
1. She HAS NOT HAD HER dinner yet.
2. He TOLD me that he would call.
3. Where HAVE you been since last night?
4. If I HAVE $5 million, I will buy a house.
5. I HAVE TO study English every day.
6. I WISH TO have a nice house, but I do not
7. The teacher told me NOT TO BE absent.
8. His car was STOLEN last month.
9. When WILL my car BE fixed?
10. I CANNOT remember where MY KEYS ARE.
2006-11-02 9:26 pm
1. She has not had dinner yet.
2. He told me that he would call.
3. Where have you been since last night?
4. If I had 5 million dollars, I would buy a house.
5. I have to study English everyday.
6. I wish I could have a nice house but I do not.
7. The teacher advised me not to be absent.
8. His car was stolen last month.
9. When will my car be fixed?
10. I do not remember where my keys are.
2006-11-02 9:23 pm
1. She does not have dinner yet.

2. He said to me that he would call me

3. Where you been at last night?

4. If I have $5 million, I will buy a house.

5. I must study English every day.
(X to)

6. I wish I have a nice house, but I do not have

7. The teacher told me do not absent.
(X be)

8. His car was stolen last month.

9. When my car will be fixed?

10. I can not remember where are my keys.
參考: English Sense~~^^
2006-11-02 9:23 pm
1. She did not eat dinner yet.
2. He told me that he would call
3. Where have you been since last night?
4. If I had 5 million, I would buy a house.
5. I need to study English every day.
6. I wish to have a nice house, but I have not.
7. The teacher to me not to be absent
8. His car was stolen last month.
9. When will my car be fixed?
10. I do not remember where my keys are.
2006-11-02 9:21 pm
She has not eat dinner yet.
He told me that he would call.
Where have you been since last night?
If i have 5 million, I will buy a house
I must study English everyday.
I wish I have a nice house, but I do not.
The teacher told me do not absent.
His car was stolen last month
When my car will be fixed?
I do not remember where my keys are.
參考: myself

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