1部cormputer可以同時裝Linux和Windows XP嗎?

2006-11-02 9:10 pm
1部cormputer可以同時裝Linux和Windows XP嗎?

回答 (4)

2006-11-03 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然可以.. 我現就係部 ThinkPad 既 Debian GNU/Linux Sid 度答你個問題。同一個機同一個harddisk, 就有個 Windows XP。

原則上我一件唔會boot入XP 超過 十小時,好難答Windows有毒時會有幾大機會抄埋個GNU/Linux。 本身有好多工具都可以 recover 番個 partition table. 所以我唔覺得真係有需有兩個 HD, 不過有當然係好。

Partition Magic 無錯可以唔損壞Windows partition (FAT or NTFS都得) 既資料縮細 partition 騰出空間安裝GNU/Linux 。不過事實上現在好多 distribution 如Ubuntu、Debian和Mandriva既安裝光碟都有提供FAT同NTFS resize 功能。唔駛另多搵多個軟件。我同我 d 朋友用 Ubuntu 5.10 or 6.06 resize 過幾二十部w2k / XP個 NTFS, 都好穩定,無事。
2006-11-02 9:53 pm
Use Partition Magic 8.0 to make hard disk into 2 or more partitions, then install Linux and windows xp or more at different partitions.

When you boot the pc, it will ask you which OS you are going to use.

PartitionMagic® allows you to create, resize, merge and convert partitions without destroying data. Award-winning PartitionMagic Pro from Symantec is a leader in hard-drive partitioning software. PartitionMagic Pro allows you to create, resize, move, and convert partitions without destroying your data. You can quickly and easily create partitions, which can act as file drawers on your hard disks for storing valuable information such as data files, applications, and operating systems. Storing information in separate partitions helps you organize and protect your data, safely run multiple operating systems, and reclaim wasted disk space.

Download FREE at this link

2006-11-02 9:17 pm
其實是可以,無問題,不過最好有兩個hard disk,
因為window的病毒比linux更多,如果個window出現問題要重裝的話,而linux file無backup,到時要重裝時,就無法可以再backup linux file,咁就好麻煩。
所以用兩hard disk就是咁的原因,就算window要重裝,都只重裝window果個hard disk,無須理會linux hard disk,d file就唔會唔見。
2006-11-02 9:13 pm
I think can't

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