奧運會的吉祥物是什甚???very very very 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-02 8:22 pm
奧運會的吉祥物是什甚???very very very 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!過去的一定要有!!!!!!!!pleaes!

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 8:29 pm
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自1968年在法國Grenoble冬季奧運起奧運開始有吉祥物 通常是當地土產的動物或少見的代表文化傳承的人物形象 第一個重要的奧運吉祥物是1980年莫斯科夏季奧運的Misha Misha在開幕跟閉幕典禮上大量的曝光有電視生動的卡通跟出現在數種商品上 今日的奧運大部分的商品以吉祥物為主打(取代五環旗幟跟標誌)鎖定年輕人消費族群

[編輯] 吉祥物列表
1968年冬季奧運會, 格勒諾布爾
Schuss, 滑雪人
1972年夏季奧運會, 慕尼黑
Waldi, a dachshund dog, 巴伐利亞流行的一種狗, which represent the attributes required for athletes - Resistance, Tenacity and Agility.
1976年夏季奧運會, 蒙特婁
Amik, 海狸, 代表加拿大
1976年冬季奧運會, 因斯布魯克
Schneemann, 雪人,代表 Games of Simplicity
1980年夏季奧運會, 莫斯科
Misha, 熊仔, designed by children's books illustrator Victor Chizhikov
1980年冬季奧運會, 普萊西德湖
Roni the raccoon, a raccoon whose face design resembles the hat and goggles used by competitors
1984年夏季奧運會, 洛杉磯
Sam the Eagle, 禿鷹, symbol of the United States, designed by Robert Moore and The Walt Disney Company
1984年冬季奧運會, 塞拉耶佛
Vuchko, a little wolf, symbolizing the desire of humans to befriend animals. According to the IOC, it helped change the common perception in the region of wolves as frightening and blood-thirsty.
1988年夏季奧運會, 漢城
Hodori and Hosuni, 朝鮮神話中常見的兩隻老虎 (Hodori is a male cub, Hosuni female),
1988年冬季奧運會, 卡爾加里
Howdy and Hidy, "The welcome bears", two polar bears representing Western Canadian hospitality. The bear siblings were the first dual mascots in the Olympic Games. The Calgary Zoo sponsored a contest to name the bears. Among the nearly 7,000 entries submitted, the names "Hidy" and "Howdy" were eventually chosen.
1992年夏季奧運會, 巴塞隆納
Cobi, a dog designed by Javier Mariscal
1992年冬季奧運會, 阿爾貝維爾
Magique, a man-star or snow imp
1994年冬季奧運會, 利勒哈默爾
Haakon and Kristin, 兩個穿著傳統衣服的挪威孩子
1996年夏季奧運會, 亞特蘭大
Izzy, an abstract figure whose name was changed from Whatizit (i.e. What is it ?) Izzy proved to be a very unpopular mascot. Busch Gardens, a theme park in Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S., named a new Wild Mouse roller coaster after the mascot, but the name was changed within the year.
1998年冬季奧運會, 長野
四個小的白色貓頭鷹 - Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki,每一個代表在兩屆奧林匹克運動會中的一年。Their names were chosen from public suggestions. The first part of each name can be combined phonetically to create the (arguably nonsensical) phrase "Let's Snow".
2000年夏季奧運會, 雪梨
Olly, a kookaburra representing the Olympic spirit of generosity
Millie, an echidna representing the millennium, unofficially nicknamed **"Dickhead" by the comedy duo 'Roy and HG'.
Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat, an unofficial mascot, a wombat representing the irreverent Australian sense of humour. Some have argued that Fatso proved more popular than the official mascots in Australia, where it was popularised in television broadcasts by the comedy duo 'Roy and HG'. It is considered by some to be one of the few Olympic mascots (official or otherwise) to be publically popularised at all.
2002年冬季奧運會, 鹽湖城
Powder, 雪兔 representing Faster
Copper, a coyote representing Higher
Coal, a 黑熊 representing Stronger
2004年夏季奧運會, 雅典
Athena and Phevos, brother and sister, two modern children resembling ancient Greek dolls.
2006年冬季奧運會, 都靈
Neve, a female ball of snow
Gliz, a male block of ice

▼2008年夏季奧運會, 北京
貝貝, 以魚為造型
晶晶, 以大熊貓及蓮花為造型
歡歡, 代表奧林匹克聖火
迎迎, 以藏羚羊為造型
妮妮, 以燕子為造型▲
2006-11-02 8:29 pm
年份 主辦城市 名稱 品種
1972 慕尼黑 Waldi 獵犬
1976 蒙特利爾 Amik 海狸
1980 莫斯科 Misha 棕熊
1984 洛杉磯 Sam 鷹
1988 漢城 Hodori 老虎
1992 巴塞隆納 Cobi 牧羊犬
1996 亞特蘭大 Izzy 長大腦袋、大嘴和星星眼,穿著籃球鞋的物體
2000 悉尼 Olly, Syd, Millie 笑翠鳥、鴨嘴獸和針鼴鼠
2004 雅典 Phevos, Athena 古希臘神話人物



2006-11-02 12:31:01 補充:
2006-11-02 8:27 pm
你既問題唔係好clear bor....

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