
2006-11-02 8:07 pm
Though the other officers have been cowed into silence

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
‘Cow’ 一字不錯是及物動詞, 例如:Fear of violence during the mass demonstration has cowed people into staying indoor ( 在‘cow’ 後面的是 direct object ‘people’ ), 但你問題那句卻依然正確。
原因很簡單, 雖然 ‘cow’ 是及物動詞, 它卻經常以「被動語態」(passive voice) 形式出現, 例如剛列舉的一句便可以(且常常)寫為 People have been cowed into staying indoor for fear of violence during the mass demonstration。同樣, Though the other officers have been cowed into silence, .... 屬被動句法, ‘cow’ 原本的 object ‘officers’ 被移到前面去, 令它看來不像及物動詞。再者, 被動式句子往往把 subject 隱藏, 使你難於明瞭, 句子原本可能是這樣的:Though the other officers have been cowed into silence (by the sacking of their supervisor), ....., 括弧內的部份被刪去了。改作主動語態 active voice, 整個句子是 Though the sacking of their supervisor has cowed the other officers into silence, ...。現在很清楚, ‘cowed’ 是及物動詞而 object 便是 ‘the other officers’。
【無論是主動語態或被動語態, ‘cow’ 不時與 ‘into’一起運用, 作為 cow (somebody) into (doing something) 迫使/威脅/威嚇 (某人) 做 (某些東西), 或作為 (somebody) being cowed into (doing something) (某人) 遭迫使/威脅/威嚇而做 (某些東西)。Example:Fear of unemployment has cowed many workers into acceptance of lower wages (主動語態);Many workers have been cowed into acceptance of lower wages for fear of unemployment (被動語態, 與問題的句子相同)。而 ‘cow’ 在此等情況下仍舊是及物動詞】
2006-11-02 10:47 pm

原因上面那位已經答了啦, 也沒有甚麼值得補充的
2006-11-02 8:13 pm
this is correct. this is passive voice, so (cowed) is a past participle. actually, the object in a active sentence has become the subject of a passive sentence. this is why there seems to have no object here.

2006-11-02 12:15:43 補充:
active voicee.g. He cowed me with his threats.passive voicee.g. i was cowed (with his threats by him).

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