
2006-11-02 6:34 pm
In such situations,it is only natural for academic staff to speak Cantonese bo-
th socially and in meetings.It is,perhaps,therefore not surprising to see an in-
crease in the use of Cantonese in the classroom.

You need look no further than the world's leading uinversities for the obvious benefits
of cultural diversity both in teaching and in undertaking joint research.

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 2:31 am
In such situations, it is only natural for academic staff to speak Cantonese both socially and in meetings. It is, perhaps, therefore not surprising to see an increase in the use of Cantonese in the classroom.
You need look no further than the world’s leading universities for the obvious benefits of cultural diversity both in teaching and in undertaking joint research.

在此等情況下, 教學人員無論在個人社交聯誼或工作會議中使用廣東話, 是自然不過的事。或許, 這可以解釋在課堂運用廣東話有所增加的情形實在不足為奇。
只要看看世界上具領導地位的大學, 便明白到文化多樣性對教學及聯合研究工作是有明顯的裨益。

2006-11-02 18:52:09 補充:
中文和英語的句法結構差異甚大, 做翻譯時除了要明白 source text (這裡是英文) 的意思、把其準確譯出外, 還要顧及 target language (這裡是中文) 的句法, 令人明解、讀來暢順。
2006-11-03 12:03 am
在這樣的情勢裡,學術人員講粵bo 只是自然的
或許,th 社會上和在meetings.It裡因此不驚人看見A在裡

你需要看得並不比world&-#39; 更進一步; s 為明顯的好處領導uinversities
參考: me
2006-11-02 6:43 pm
在此环境下,教职员工是很自然地回在社交和会议上说广东话. 所以不用奇怪为何在班房说广东话会增多.

世界数一数二的有名大学也会有此多元文化于教学和联合研究中, 并且会得到明显的好处.

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