
2006-11-02 6:28 pm

I suspect that the root of the problem is that the number of non-Chinese aca-
demic staff at our universities is dwinding as they are replaced,upon resignat-
ion or retirement,which Chinese staff.Looking at the lists of academic staff on
a number of university websites,it is clear there are comparatively few non-
Chinese in many university departments.Indeed,in some there are none at all.

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2006-11-03 9:02 am
你這篇英文在哪裡找到的? 我這樣問是因為它好像不是由英文母語的人寫的,不很專業.就如: suspected that.........is that..........; at our universities instead of in our universities? resignation..., which Chinese staff. Indeed, some there are none at all. some there are.......? 那么多的有問題句子........但願是我猜錯吧,否則別人怎可以很專業的給你翻譯到你篇英文?

2006-11-03 01:09:17 補充:
樓上那位仁兄,那個 non-Chinese staff 翻譯成中國職員,可能是網上翻譯軟件的問題吧! 在這裡很多幫人翻譯的網友很多都是這樣做的,可說是累人.有些還得到最佳答案.哈.
2006-11-02 7:51 pm
There are certainly some typos in the passage. I think the passage should read as:
I suspect that the root of the problem is that the number of non-Chinese academic staff at our universities is dwindling as they are replaced, upon resignation or retirement, with Chinese staff. Looking at the lists of academic staff on a number of university websites, it is clear there are comparatively few non-Chinese in many university departments. Indeed,i n some there are none at all.

Following is my Chinese version:
我懷疑這問題的根源在於我們大學中非華裔教員的人數正在萎缩,非華裔教員因辭職或退休而被華裔教員所取代。從大學的網頁(譯者按: 這裡是指自己的大學,若是其它大學,英文應該是 a number of universities' websites或 a number of other unviersities' websites) 內所載之教員名單中,可以清楚看到我們大學在很多學系內,非華裔教員相對地比較少,事實上有些學系更沒有非華裔教員。

最後那句,是指參考大學網站教員名單去作比較,非華裔教員比例少是指自己大學,而不是其它大學。這樣解才make sense。
For discussion sake, there are comparatively few non-Chinese in many university departments cannot translate into 我們能清楚看見他們相對地有較少的中國職員,Non-Chinese staff 譯作中國職員?!

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