Air bus and boeing

2006-11-02 5:39 pm
HOw can you classify between planes airbus and the planes of boeing?

回答 (7)

2006-11-03 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Easiest way to define between Airbus and Boeing is that majority of the aircraft will have their aircraft type on the body... Some airlines put it at the front, some put it at the back...
Also the winglets will tell you the answer too... As for Airbus, all aircraft apart from A300/A310 will have a winglets fitted on its wing looking like a arrow (<) shape... But for Boeing, their either have none of they have a winglets fitted on the wing looking like (/)...
And there are also a few aircraft types which you can for sure know if they are Airbus or Boeing... For Airbus, their A340 family have 4-engines and have single passenger deck while for Boeing, the most common 4-engines is B747 which have a upper deck which strech about 1/3 way of the aircraft...
For Boeing B737 family, they have a rather odd tail as you may realise that it looks very different when you compare them to other aircraft tail... And for Airbus A320, they are also short-haul aircraft, but they dont havent got that odd tail and on the wing, its fitted with the Airbus normal style winglets...
So more or less, you can classify the jet if its Airbus or Boeing by its winglets already... Since now only A300/A310 dont have the arrow shape winglets while for Boeing, winglets are optional so you may see the same type of jet, some have winglets but some dont, so just presume that all aircraft without arrow shape winglets are Boeing and the chances of you being right is pretty high... At least at Hong Kong since we only get very very few A300/A310 a day...

2006-11-02 19:49:51 補充:
Inside the cabin, its hard to see the difference between Airbus and Boeing... Since everything will be airlines standard... So if you are inside the aircraft, look at the safety card which will tell you which type of aircraft...

2006-11-02 19:51:41 補充:
Or if you are seating near the wing, look out the window and check their winglets as I have said the winglets style are difference between Airbus and Boeing...

2006-11-02 19:52:29 補充:
Or if you are seating near the wing, look out the window and check their winglets as I have said the winglets style are difference between Airbus and Boeing...
2006-11-21 1:55 am
In the cockpit u can easily see that there is control column in boeing, but a sidestick in airbus. They are the control input.
2006-11-05 6:41 am
參考: Observe
2006-11-03 4:50 am
最簡單的方法是看看飛機機翼尾端的白色「跑道燈」(strobe light),如一下一下閃,就是Boeing,兩下兩下閃的就是Airbus。

2006-11-02 20:52:16 補充:
2006-11-03 12:13 am
走去cockpit,睇吓flight seat的操控杆是U型還是側控的...(波音機是U型,空巴是側控)

參考: 自己
2006-11-02 6:36 pm
每一部飛機的機尾位置都會寫上該飛機的型號,如 747-400 便是boeing 747-400, Airbus A330 便是Airbus A330了。
參考: ME
2006-11-02 5:47 pm
在機上的 safety instruction 有寫。

B737 係 Boeing
A330 係 Airbus

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