
2006-11-02 3:15 pm

回答 (10)

2006-11-02 3:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The title of this book is ”a collection of funny stories”, its contents are full of funny stories that will make you laughing. I will burst out laughing when I have a look at it even in an unhappy time.

2006-11-02 07:45:10 補充:
對唔住,”make you laughing”應該是”make you laugh”
2006-11-08 7:18 pm
This book is call "A Collection of Jokes", it contains a lot of funny jokes. I would read this book whenever I feel sad, it cheers me up instantly.
2006-11-03 2:29 am
The name of this book is “Joke Anthology” ,in which are very amusing jokes. Whenever I was unhappy, I read it and felt better.
2006-11-03 12:05 am
The title of this book is a joke collection, contents are all very laughable jokes. Reading this book when I am unhappy, I will stand up happily.
2006-11-02 9:55 pm
The name of this book is The World of Jokes, it contents all kinds of funny jokes, I felt good and happier when I read this book particularly when I was in bad mood.
參考: self
2006-11-02 5:32 pm
This book is called "Collections of Jokes." It collects lots of jokes and funny stories. Whenever I feel sad, I will read this book. And, I will cheer up immediately.
2006-11-02 5:31 pm
This book book title is the joke collection,The content all is the very funny joke. When I unhappy has a look this book,I all can be happy.
2006-11-02 5:14 pm
The name of this book is[Fun Collecpion],this book is about funny jokes.When I am unhappy,I will read this book, I will be fine somehow!
2006-11-02 3:35 pm
將中譯成英?Use your dictionary~~
2006-11-02 3:21 pm
The name of this book is called The Jokebook. There is a lot of funny jokes and stories. Everytime I feel sad and I read this book, I will be fine somehow!
參考: Me

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