Qualified surveyor with tax experience - What can I do?

2006-11-02 11:18 am
I am recently qualified as a chartered surveyor in UK via taxation allowances route (i.e. capital allowances). I am going back to HK for good and wonder if there is any capital allowances related job available.

I would appreciate if anybody could point me a direction. Also I would like to know about the current market / salary.

Many thanks!


Many thanks for your valuable feedback. Recent news compared business tax legislation. UK has 8000 pages while HK has 2000. I can see why demand of tax prof. is low in HK. What is the current rate for 1. Graduate quantity surveyor 2. Qualified QS? Also which websites good for general job search?

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In Hong Kong, surveying and taxation are two distinctly different professions. Hong Kong does not has capital gain tax and in general the tax rules with respect to real estates are not as complex as in the UK. So surveyors normally focus their attention in real estates related jobs whereas anything related to tax is normally under the jurisdiction of the CPAs.
2006-11-09 9:44 pm
The taxation discipline has been jammed with qualified CPA already. Very few of them could make the way to top as a partner, simply because the demand is low.

So technically (versus your personality preference) you should make use of your surveyor license in HK as it gives a better chance.

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