
2006-11-02 11:06 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 12:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
鞋放幾多都得! 當然要你自己個行李箱放得哂啦~ ^^ 因為你應該知道行李要磅重, 有限定每人行李的最大重量!


其實只要唔係帶有攻擊性的危險物品皆可! 火機要隨身帶住, 刀、較剪、指甲都唔可以帶!
參考: 個人
2006-11-21 6:35 am
you may click on the following link by Australia Customs.
In Chinese version for more information.

2006-11-02 3:09 pm
shoes is ok....no matter how many you bring
but make sure your shoes do not contain seeds or mud or sand...
those things are the elements are strongly baned to enter Aus

Medicine is ok... if there is not too many...
just a reminder... dun bring too much, HK's medine may not fit Aus enviroment
Hence, due to the goverment regulation, Aus medicine is cheaper then other place
參考: me, i am in Aus now

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