How to set up a company

2006-11-02 9:05 am
how to set up a company in Hong Kong? what is the procedure? How about the accounting matter, can I do by myself instead of hire a accountant?

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

若是無限公司, 亦有幾種分, 一種是獨資經營, 即公司只有一個老闆, 另一種是合資經營, 最後是分店, 若你獨資經營, 那你只需想好一個公司名稱, 練習好簽名後, 到公司註查處(屬稅務局管), 填一張叫獨資經營的表格, 並給他們身份證影印, 並張表格交回後, 再付2600一年年費, 全部半個小時內完成. 若是合資, 程序差不多, 只是張表格不同, 及裡面要填了你們所有的股東. 而且你所有股東都要一齊去做. 若果是分店, 基本上是跟獨資情況差不多.

至於是無限公司就多很多工序了, 首先, 公司最少要有兩個成員, 一個是主席, 一個是秘書. 如你只想一個人擁有, 那可以找會計師樓幫你做幫秘書. 之後最好到會計師樓擬好一份備忘錄, 是關於你公司的股本分票等等事宜, 詳情最好問會計師的專業意見, 只於表格, 只是填有限公司的, 而費用一樣, 2600一年.

當你完成所有動作後, 處方會交回一張叫商業登記證(簡稱br)的藍色紙給你, 名義上成立公司的手續便完成. 而你只雖將這張br貼在辦公地方的當眼處, 以作證明.

2006-11-02 02:59:02 補充:
會計師樓手續間間都有出入, 少則幾千, 大則萬幾二萬都有可能.至於br登記費, 一律2600一年
2006-11-02 9:15 am
First of all, you should decide you want to set up the limited company or unlimited company. There are a bit different, for limited company, you should keep your accounting well and at the year ended, you need to submit all your accounting work to the auditor for auditing since it is the legal procedure, so the cost is higher than unlimited company. On the other hand, the administrative cost of unlimited company is low since no need to audit at the year ended and you can submit the tax return by your own. And the fee of the setup limited company and unlimited company also difference!

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