
2006-11-02 8:00 am
請幫忙翻譯以下內容 :

生日快樂 !
我記得你明天生日 , 祝你有個開心的晚上 .
生日是個特別日子, 你要好好享受這天 朋友為你帶來的歡樂 ....
我想於當日親口跟你說聲 "生日快樂" . 我會等你來明晚 !

有一段時間沒和你聊天 , 你近況如何 ??
好想和你好好的聊, 因為下星期我家要進行裝修 , 我要在我姐姐家暫住
可能有一段時間無法跟你聯絡 ..... 所以在搬之前很想與你見面 .

麻煩各位有心人 !

請翻譯埋呢一句 : 你是否忘記了我這位遠方朋友

回答 (4)

2006-11-02 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Happy Birthday!!
I remember tomorrow is your birthday. Hope you have a wonderful night.
Birthday is a special occasion, hope you enjoy every moment with your friends.
I want to say "Happy Birthday" to you face to face. I will wait for you tomorrow night.

I know I haven't talk to you for a while. How are you doing lately?
I want to chat with you soon. I will temporarily stay at my sister's home because I will renovate my house next week. Probably, I won't be able to contact you during that time. However, I would like to meet you before I move to my sister's home.
2006-11-03 12:07 am
Happy birthday!
I remember your birthday of tomorrow, wish you to have a happy evening.
Birthday is a special day, you should enjoy the happiness that the friend brings to you of this day ....
I want to say to you personally on the same day " Happy birthday " . I will wait for you to come tomorrow evening!

Has not chatted with you for some time, how are you getting along? ?
Really miss having a chat hard with you, because my home will fit up next week, I will stay temporarily in my elder sister's family
It may be unable to contact you for some time ..... So want to meet you very much before moving .
2006-11-02 5:26 pm
Happy Birthday!
I remember that it is your birthday tomorrow. Wishing you an enjoyable evening. Birthdays are special days. You should enjoy every joyous moment of the day that your friend brings you. I would like to be there to personally wish you a "Happy Birthday". I will wait for you tomorrow night.

It's been quite some time since we have last chatted. How have you been?
I really wanted to catch up with you. My house will be under renovation as from next week and I will be staying at my sister's house for that time. It might be awhile before I can catch up with you again. I really wanted to see you before then.
2006-11-02 8:14 am
Happy Birthday!
I remembered your birthday in tomorrow, wishes you to have a happy evening.
The birthday is a special day, you must enjoy this day friend happy....
I will personally to say "Happy Birthday" to you, I will be able to wait for you to come tomorrow evening!

Some period of time chat nothing with you, how is your recent life?
Hope to chat with you well, I will have temporarily to live in my elder sister family next week, because my house will have renovation.
Possibly I have period of time to be unable contact you ..... therefore before moving, i am very will want to meet with you.

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