F.1 Maths

2006-11-02 6:48 am
Donna buys some $2 stamps and some $5 stamps.
If she spends $54 altogether and gets 15 stamps,how many $2 stamps does
she buy?

Peter is 12 years old and his grandfather is 63 years old now.
a) After how many years" time will Peter's age be 四分之一 of his grandfather age ?
b) How many years ago was grandfather's age 18 times Peter's ?

Please use English+方程式 to explain to me

回答 (7)

2006-11-02 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1

Let x be the number of $2 stamps
Let y be the number of $5 stamps
x + y = 15 ....... (1)
2x + 5y = 54 ....... (2)

(1) x 2 :
2x + 2y = 30 ....... (3)

(2) - (3) :
3y = 24
y = 8

Put y = 8 into (1)
x + 8 = 15
x = 7

Therefore She buys 7 $2 stamps and 8 $5 stamps.

Question 2
a) Let x be the number of years time
12 + x = (63+x) / 4
48 + 4x = 63 + x
3x = 15
x = 5
Therefore : After 5 years will Peter's age be a 1/4 of his grandfather age

b) Let y be the number of years time
18 * (12 - y) = 63 - y
216 - 18y = 63 -y
17y = 153
y = 9
Therefore : 9 Years ago was grandfather's age 18 times Peter's
參考: 希望你能明白, 不明白再補充
2006-11-03 1:01 am
1. Let x be the number of $2 stamps and y be the number of $5 stamps
thus, $2x + $5y = $54 and x + y = 15
then substitute y = 15 - x into $2x + $5y = $54
$2x + $5(15 - x) = $54
$2x + $75 - $5x = $54
$3x = $21
x = 7
i.e. Donna has 7 $2 stamps and 8 $5 stamps

2. what's the meaning of &#39
2006-11-02 7:08 am
Donna buys some $2 stamps and some $5 stamps.
If she spends $54 altogether and gets 15 stamps,how many $2 stamps does
she buy?

let x be the no. of $2 stamps and y be the no. of $5 stamps

as x+y=15 then y=15-x

sub y=15-x into (2)
2x + 5(15-x) =54
2x +75 - 5x = 54
-3x = -21
she buys 7 $2 stamps

Peter is 12 years old and his grandfather is 63 years old now.
a) After how many years" time will Peter age be 四分之一 of his grandfather age ?
b) How many years ago was grandfather's age 18 times Peter's ?

(a) let x be the no. of years
(12+x) = 1/4 (63+x)
[ (12+x) is peter's age after x years and (63+x) is grandfather age after x years ]
48 + 4x = 63 +x
3x = 15
x = 5
5 years later

(b) let y be the no. of years
(12-y) = 1/18 (63 - y)
[ (12-y) is peter age y years ago and (63-y) is grandfather age y years ago ]
216 - 18y = 63 - y
153 = 17y
y = 9
9 years ago
2006-11-02 7:07 am
Part One:

Assume Donna buys X number of $2 stamps and Y number of $5 stamps.

(1) X+ Y = 15
(2) 2*X + 5*Y = 54

from (1): Y = 15-X ..... (3)
substitute (3) into (2): 2*X + 5 (15-X) = 54
2X + 75 - 5X = 54
-3X = -21
X = 7 ................ (4)

input (4) into (3): Y = 15-7 = 8

Answer: Donna has bought seven $2 stamps and eight $5 stamps.

Part Two:

(a) Assume after X years, Peter's age will be 1/4 of grandfather's age

So: (12 + X) / (63 + X) = 1/4
(12 + X) * 4 = 63 + X
48 + 4X = 63 +X
4X - X = 63 - 48
3X = 15
X = 5

After 5 years, Peter will be 17 and grandfather will be 68 (check: 17 * 4 = 68)

(b) Assume Y years before, grandfather's age was 18 times of Peter's

So: (12 - Y)* 18 = 63- Y
216 - 18Y = 63 - Y
216 - 63 = -Y + 18Y
17 Y = 153
Y = 9

9 years ago, Peter was 3 and grandfather was 54 (check: 3 * 18 = 54)
2006-11-02 7:02 am
Let the number of $2 stamp be x and that of $5 stamp be y

2x + 5y = 54 .............(1)
x + y = 15..................(2)

(1) - (2)x2

2x + 5y - 2x - 2y = 54 - 30
3y = 24
y = 8

x = 15 - 8 = 7

So, Donna shall buy 7 $2 stamps

Let the number of years after be A

12 + A = (63 + A)/4
4(12 +A) = 63 + A
48 + 4A = 63 + A
4A - A = 63 - 48
3A = 15
A = 5

Ans.: 5 years after

b)Let the number of years ago be B
63 - B = (12 - B) x 18
63 - B = 216 - 18B
18B - B = 216 - 63
17B = 153
B = 9

Ans.: 9 years ago
參考: me
2006-11-02 6:58 am
Let x be the no. of $2 stamps;
y be the no. of $5 stamps.

--> 2x+5y= 54 (a)

--> x+y= 15 (b)

From (b)
x= 15-y

Put (b) into (a),

2(15-y) + 5y = 54
30 - 2y + 5y = 54
3y = 24
y = 8
--> x= 15-8 = 7
2006-11-02 6:55 am
Let xbe number of $2 stamps bought
then number of $5 bought is15-x


so number of $2 stamps bought is 7

a.let x be the yrs needed


b.let x be the yrs ago

參考: me

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