grammar, 文字 and 文筆 是否正確

2006-11-02 6:32 am
when doing the worksheets, I needed to understand the explanation that is for me easily to understand the section.could it conduct me to review the grammar that I have been studied or to learn it haven't been taught in secondary school.
I think I to have finished all by this term.
its exsample sentence is very impressed to me, because word of the sentence is easy and there are a clear explanation with pictures.

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are some grammar mistakes. you may rewrite it as follows:

when doing (the) worksheets (are you talking one particular one? if not, don't add the.), i need (is it a must to use past tense?) to understand the context so that i can understand the section (???) more easily. can this worksheet help me review the greammar items that i have learnt? or can it teach me something that i have not learnt in secondary school? i think these must be achieved within this term.
i think the sample sentences are very impressive because the vocabulary is easy and the explanation with pictures is clear.

i am sorry that i may not be able to rewrite it while keeping all your original meaning as i cannot get all what you mean. you may use this as reference.

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