
2006-11-02 6:21 am
It occasionally shocks the sensibility, it sears the soul, it deserves to be a sell-out again on wildfire word of mouth. An indelible theatrical experience, which is both a work of art and an incisive piece of cultural history, a poem and a polemic, a performance and a balm and a benediction.” Charles Ishewood.

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2006-11-02 4:25 pm
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2006-11-02 11:52:35 補充:
2006-11-02 7:23 am
它偶爾地衝擊感覺, 它枯萎靈魂, 并且它再該當是賣完在野火口頭表達。 不可磨滅的戲劇性經驗, 哪些是藝術作品和文化歷史一個尖銳片斷, 詩、辯論、表現、香脂和祝福。
Charles Ishewood
參考: 自己翻

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