A. maths (F.4) 急急急

2006-11-02 6:10 am
Given that the quadratic equation x^2+kx-(k-3)=0 has real roots a and b . If lal=lbl, find the values of k .

(It is an absloute number)

個答案係 -6 or 2

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Given that the quadratic equation x2+kx-(k-3)=0 has real roots a and b . If lal=lbl, find the values of k .
若 │a│=│b│則
a = b 或 a = -b
若 a = b 則有重根則
判別式 B2 – 4AC = 0
k2 – 4(1)(k-3) = 0
k2 – 4k + 12 = 0
但因k2 – 4k + 12 = 0 的判別式大於零所以無解。
若 a = -b

a + b = -k
但 a = - b

k = 0

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