Maths - Ratio (10 marks)

2 bottles of the same size are fully filled with alcohol and water. In the 1st bottle, the ratio of the volumes of alcohol and water is 2:5. In the 2nd bottle, it is 3:7. If the liquid in the 2 bottles are mixed, find the ratio of the volumes of alcohol and water in the mixture.

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回答 (3)

2006-11-02 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the volume of the bottle be V

1st bottle:
volume of alcohol = 2V/(2+5) = 2V/7
volume of water = 5V/7

2nd bottle:
volume of alcohol = 3V/(3+7) = 3V/10
volume of water = 7V/10

After mixed,
volume of alcohol = 2V/7 + 3V/10 = (20V + 21V)/70 = 41V/70
volume of water = 5V/7 + 7V/10 = (50V + 49V)/70 = 99V/70

alcohol : water = 41V/70 : 99V/70 = 41 : 99
參考: me
2006-11-03 5:57 am
the ratio of alcohol after mixed
the ratio of water after mixed

the ratio of the volumes of alcohol and water is 41:99
2006-11-02 6:03 am
Water=w Alcohol=a
1st bottle 2:5 2nd bottle 3:7

2:5=a:w 3:7=a:w


I don't sure~
參考: Math bk

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