
2006-11-02 5:23 am
there is ONE wong word in every line:

a)In many countries,computers are install in schools.Students attend computer
b)classes and e-learning become a reality.They can surf the Internet for
c)informantions and collect materials for project work.Teachers at two different
d)school can oranise online workshops to allow students to participate for
f)discussions over a wide range of topic.


回答 (3)

2006-11-02 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) installed (not install)
b) class (not classes)
c) information (not informantions)
d) schools (not school)
organise (not oranise)
participate in (not participate for)
f) topics (not topic)

2006-11-01 22:25:33 補充:
line b) has another errorb) becomes (not become)
2006-11-02 5:38 am
I also think that it should be *participate in* on line d.
2006-11-02 5:34 am
b)唔係錯左e-learning become a reality中既become咩.
參考: 我

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