the film Charlie and the chocolate factory 問題

2006-11-02 5:12 am
Give some detail about the film "charlie and the chocolate factory " according to the following points:
1.acting, directing, editing
2.costumes, make up design, set design and sound effects

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Johnny Deep As Willy Wonka
Freddie Highmore as Charlic Bucket
David Kelly as Grandpa Joe
Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs Bucket
Noah Taylor as Mr. Bucket
Misst Pyle as Mrs Beauregarde
James Fox as Mr Salt
Deep Roy as Oompa-Loompas
Christopher Lee as Dr. Wonka

Director : Tim Burton
Screenplay : John August
Producer : Brad Grey and Richard D. Zanuck
Ececutive Producer : Patrick McCormick, Felicity Dahl, Michael Siegel, Graham Burke and Bruce Berman
Director of Photograph : Philippe Rousselot, A.F.C/A.S.C.
Production Designer : Alex McDowell
Editor : Chris Lebenzon, A.C.E.
Music : Danny Elfman
Costume Designer : Gabriella Pescucci
2006-11-04 8:08 pm
Johnny Deep As Willy Wonka
Freddie Highmore as Charlic Bucket
David Kelly as Grandpa Joe
Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs Bucket
Noah Taylor as Mr. Bucket
Misst Pyle as Mrs Beauregarde
James Fox as Mr Salt
Deep Roy as Oompa-Loompas
Christopher Lee as Dr. Wonka

Director : Tim Burton
Screenplay : John August
Producer : Brad Grey and Richard D. Zanuck
Ececutive Producer : Patrick McCormick, Felicity Dahl, Michael Siegel, Graham Burke and Bruce Berman
Director of Photograph : Philippe Rousselot, A.F.C/A.S.C.
Production Designer : Alex McDowell
Editor : Chris Lebenzon, A.C.E.
Music : Danny Elfman
Costume Designer : Gabriella Pescucci

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:53:55
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